加强管理 正确引导——兼谈天津口岸仓储业的蓬勃发展

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在改革开放、发展市场经济的大潮中,天津口岸仓储业出现蓬勃发展的好形势。市委市政府对发展仓储业非常重视,1987年由市政府颁文明确由口岸委对口岸仓储业实施管理,从此结束了“圈上地,围上网,铺铺垫垫当库场”不断发生进出口物资外商索赔的自发阶段;建立起市、区两级管理制度,规范行业行为;制定适度发展规划、全面放开优胜劣汰的原则。使其走上了健康发展的道路。截止目前,在港口辐射的四个区和经济开发区、保税区,共有口岸仓储400多家,1994年储运货物5380万吨,纯仓储收入达7.68亿元。口岸仓储业已成为提高港口综合能力,发展滨海新区第三产业和增进地方财政 During the tide of reform and opening up and the development of a market economy, the port warehousing industry in Tianjin showed a flourishing situation. The municipal government attaches great importance to the development of the storage industry. In 1987, it was explicitly promulgated by the municipal government to implement the management of the port warehousing industry by the Port Commission, thus ending the “import and export of warehouses” Material foreign claims of the spontaneous phase; establish municipal and district management system at both levels, regulate industry behavior; develop appropriate development planning, the principle of the full liberalization of the survival of the fittest. Make it embark on the path of healthy development. Up to now, the four districts radiating from the port, the economic development zone and the bonded area have a total of more than 400 warehouses at ports of entry, 53.8 million tons of storage and transportation goods in 1994 and 7.68 billion yuan of pure storage revenue. Port storage has become a comprehensive ability to improve the port, the development of the tertiary industry in Binhai New Area and the promotion of local finance
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