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不论是夏日炎炎,还是秋高气爽,餐桌上最受欢迎的依然是清清爽爽的菜肴,要说什么食材最适合这样天气里的胃口和烹饪如此菜肴,可能各种“耳”们当之无愧。“耳”的口感滑溜软厚,亦具备丰富的营养,是烹饪中经常会用到的食材。以耳入馔该怎么形容“耳”呢?不是蔬菜,不是肉类,不是瓜果,是素食,是一种菌类。因其味道鲜美并有健康身体的功效,除了平常为人熟知的木耳、银耳,近来如榆耳、金耳等也越来越受人们的欢迎。秋天风干物燥,体内的水分也容易因此流失,滋润是这个季节要遵守的养生之道。秋季最为著名的甜汤应该算是银耳汤,或加红枣、枸杞,是家家户户都会做的,也是老人孩子都喜欢的味道,滋阴润肺,让人感觉温润舒适。其实除了银耳之外,其他各种耳也具备这样的特质,都有润燥的功用,因此,耳是这个季节餐桌上的好食物。 Whether it is summer scorching or autumn, the most popular on the table is still fresh and refreshing dishes, to say what the best ingredients for such appetites and cooking such dishes in the weather, may be a variety of “ear” deserved. “Ear ” taste slippery soft thick, also has a wealth of nutrition, is often used in cooking ingredients. To ear into the food how to describe “Ear ” it? Not vegetables, not meat, not fruits, is vegetarian, is a fungus. Because of its delicious and healthy body effect, in addition to the commonly known fungus, white fungus, such as the elm ears, golden ears, etc. are also more and more people are welcome. Autumn dry goods, the body of water is also easily lost, moisture is the regimen to be observed this season. Autumn is the most famous sweet soup should be considered white fungus soup, or add dates, wolfberry, is that every household will do, but also the elderly children like the taste, Ziyin Runfei, people feel warm and comfortable. In fact, in addition to Tremella, the other ear also has such a trait, have the function of moistening, so the ear is a good food on the table this season.
本文论述了企业兼并是商品经济条件下的一种必然的企业经济行为,我国政府部门只能在市场机制的基础上对其因势利导。 This article discusses that corporate merger is an
11月28日小明的床头有一面石英钟,也许钟对一个盲童来说毫无用途,但是小明能从石英钟的嘀嗒声中感知时光的稍纵即逝。这天吃完晚饭后,妈妈拿出一样东西放到 On November 28,
赵力群,现就读于河南省濮阳市油田第五中学初四(4)班,濮阳市市级三好学生,全国中学生英语奥林匹克竞赛一等奖获得者,另外,曾在省、市作文竞赛中获一等奖,爱好广泛,性格开朗,乐于助人,是同学们的开心果。  写作感悟:  看世间涛飞云走,等闲了花开花落,我终于提起稚嫩的笔,书写出我对生活,对自然,对所有美好事物的眷恋和赞美。    3月22日 晴  闲来无事,无意间把去年去上海的相册打开,相片上的灯火辉
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你闻到秋天的味道了么?漫步在干爽的秋风中,我用宁静的心感受着秋的恬静,用欢欣的心倾听着秋的欣喜,用寂寞的心品味着秋的寂寥。不同的心态创造了不 Do you smell the taste