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四十一年前,一位刚从中学毕业的青年随当时闻名全国的青年志愿垦荒队从繁华的都市上海来到江西省德安县一片荒凉的土地上,拉开了他向自然、向人生、向事业挑战的序幕。岁月沧桑,当年风华正茂的青年如今已两鬓斑白。他自己也没有想到,一个普通知青,竟会与公安工作结下半辈子的不解之缘。他,就是现任江西省庐山风景名胜区管理局党委委员、管理局副局长、庐山公安局党委书记、局长、三级警监的陆金 Forty-one years ago, a young man who just graduated from high school came to desolate land in De’an County, Jiangxi Province, from the bustling metropolis of Shanghai, The prelude to the cause of the challenge. Years of vicissitudes of life, when young and prosperous now has two shad white. He himself never imagined that an ordinary young educated youth would actually become indissoluble bond with the work of public security for the rest of his life. He is the incumbent Jiangxi Provincial Lushan Scenic Area Authority Party committee members, deputy director of the Authority, Lushan Public Security Bureau party secretary, director, three levels of police Lu Jin