
来源 :体育世界(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dayoudian
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游泳不但能够强健学生的体魄,同时还为学生创造了人际交往的机会,提升他们的社会交往能力。但是,游泳课有着不同于其它课程的特点,其中学生的积极性因素对其教学效果影响非常大,因此在课程设置与教学时间设定上很难采取其它课程的全时间段模式,对于游泳课而言,仅仅凭借课堂教学时间是很难保证学生的学习效果的。这种背景下,我们非常有必要在高校游泳课教学中引入“课内外一体化”模式,充分利用学生的业余时间,促进游泳教学效果的全面提升。 Swimming not only strengthens students’ physique, but also creates opportunities for interpersonal communication and enhances their social interaction skills. However, swimming lessons have different characteristics from other courses. Among them, the positive factors of students have a great influence on their teaching effects. Therefore, it is very difficult to adopt the full-time mode of other courses in the curriculum setting and teaching time setting. For swimming lessons, Say, just by virtue of classroom teaching time is difficult to guarantee the student’s learning effect. Under this kind of background, it is very necessary for us to introduce “integration of inside and outside of class ” model in college swimming teaching, make full use of students’ spare time, and promote the overall improvement of swimming teaching.
1975年生。1999年毕业于中央美术学院油画系,2002年获中央美术学院油画系硕士学位,后留校任教。 Born in 1975. He graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Cen
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她的真实名字  至今无法查到  她长在江淮一带  每逢春雪飘飘时  她就开花了  花卉并不丰盈  但特别鲜红  一朵朵围着山峦怒放  当年一位女共产党员  牺牲在江淮大地  为了纪念她的英勇  百姓们把鲜红的花  堆放在她的墓前  并给此花取名为  三月雪
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