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2007年7月13日,一个特殊的日子,6年前的这一天,国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇向全世界宣布:北京将成为2008年奥运会主办城市。举国欢腾。而青岛这座康有为笔下的“青山、碧海、红瓦、绿树”的城市也开始与奥运结缘。6年的光阴流转,2000多个日夜,从街头旗帜“相约北京、扬帆青岛”迎风招展,到成功举办国际帆船测试赛,青岛迈进奥运的脚步,坚定、沉稳、执著,青岛人们的迎奥热情蓬勃、高涨, On July 13, 2007, a special day, six years ago, the International Olympic Committee President Samaranch announced to the world that Beijing will become the host city for the 2008 Olympic Games. The whole country jubilant. The city of Qingdao, which was written by Kang Youwei, also started the Olympics with “green mountains, blue skies, red tiles and green trees.” 6 years of flow of time, more than 2,000 days and nights, from the street banners Meet Beijing, sail Qingdao "to the successful hosting of the International Sailing Test Race, Qingdao footsteps into the Olympic Games, firm, steady, persistent, Qingdao people welcome Austrian enthusiasm, high,
全科门诊是社区医疗的重要组织形式.它人员少一专多能 ;分科不细样样都能干 ;服务范围广 ;集医疗、预防、保健、康复、健康、教育、计划生育于一体.该文从三个方面叙述了作为
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该文以黑龙江省医学图书情报一体化和哈医大争办“2 11工程”为契机 ,对我省建立医疗卫生系统医学文献资源共享网络进行了可行性研究和具体实施方案.
A vector radiative transfer numerical model of the coupled ocean-atmosphere system is developed based on the matrix-operator method, which is named PCOART. Usin
(本刊讯)5月8日至1O日,应濮阳市书法家协会、濮阳市板桥书画院的邀请,著名书法家赵山亭先生来濮阳市观光讲学,50余名书法爱好者聆听了赵先生的书法讲座。赵 (Ben Kanxun) Fr
Based on laboratory culture of harmful alga on iron and phosphorus uptake, and the study of accu-mulation of iron-phosphorus in cores and release of iron and ph
从这些出自将这之手,带着将军眼光,含着将军情感的获奖摄影作品中,我们可以清晰地看到人民军队成长进步的铿锵足迹。他们给我们留下的,将是难忘的印象。 From these award-w