以城市学校为榜样 努力实施追赶计划

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经过一、二期中小学危房改造,农村中小学校舍安全问题已基本解决。农村中小学下一步工作目标是什么?今后向什么方向发展?这是在基本消灭中小学危房以后,摆在农村教育工作者面前的一个既紧迫又十分重要的课题。国家提出统筹城乡、共同发展的要求。在基本消灭中小学危房以后,农村中小学校长和教师必须及时进行工作重心的转移:向城市学校学习,奋力实现追赶,向管理要质量,创特色,上层次。 After the renovation of dilapidated houses in primary and secondary schools in the first and second stages, the safety of rural primary and secondary school buildings has basically been solved. What is the goal of the next step in rural primary and secondary schools? What direction should we develop in the future? This is a pressing and very important issue that confronts rural educators after basically eliminating primary and secondary schools. The country proposes to coordinate urban and rural development and common development. After the primary elimination of dangerous primary and secondary schools, rural primary and secondary school principals and teachers must promptly shift the focus of their work: study in urban schools, struggling to achieve catch-up, quality management, creation of characteristics, and higher levels.
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