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目的 :调查广州市各级肿瘤医院网络报告肿瘤病例的病理组织学诊断的现状和登记情况,分析广州市肿瘤登记资料病理组织学诊断率(morphological verification percentage,MV%)较低的原因。方法:分析广州市131家肿瘤报告单位2008年至2013年网络报告的所有恶性肿瘤病例,调查其病理组织学诊断率和肿瘤登记报告情况,并与全国登记资料及发达国家登记资料进行比较。结果:广州市131家肿瘤报告医院2008年至2013年共报告恶性肿瘤154 623例,MV%为64.41%。所有部位肿瘤的总体MV%上升了15.29%(绝对值上升了8.88%),其中三级医院报告病例的MV%为69.87%,二级医院报告病例的MV%为49.50%,一级医院报告病例的MV%为20.50%。尽管广州市各级别医院、各瘤别的MV%呈现逐年上升的趋势,但与全国及世界主要登记处资料相比,广州市的恶性肿瘤MV%仍处于较低水平。结论:2008年至2013年,广州市各级医院恶性肿瘤网络报告MV%逐年上升,很大程度上反映了肿瘤诊断水平的持续提高,但MV%低于发达国家的主要原因是部分医院的肿瘤诊断水平不高所致,三级医院MV%与发达国家差距较小,而一、二级医院差距较大。广州市恶性肿瘤网络报告工作刚起步,加强和完善肿瘤登记工作管理能提高MV%。 OBJECTIVE: To investigate the status and registration of histological diagnosis of cancer cases in cancer hospitals at all levels in Guangzhou and to analyze the reasons for the lower prevalence of morphological verification percentage (MV%) in Guangzhou cancer registration data. Methods: All malignant tumor cases reported by 131 cancer reporting units in Guangzhou from 2008 to 2013 were analyzed. The histopathological diagnosis rate and tumor registration report were investigated and compared with the national registration data and developed country registration data. Results: A total of 154 623 malignant tumors were reported from 131 cancer reporting hospitals in Guangzhou from 2008 to 2013, with MV% of 64.41%. The overall MV% of all the tumors increased by 15.29% (absolute value increased by 8.88%), among which, the MV% of the third grade hospitals reported cases was 69.87%, the second grade hospitals reported 49.5% of the cases, and the first grade hospitals reported the cases The MV% is 20.50%. Despite the rising MVs in all hospitals and gynecological clinics in Guangzhou, the MV% of malignant tumors in Guangzhou is still at a relatively low level compared with the data from national and international key registries. Conclusion: From 2008 to 2013, the MV% of hospital reports of malignant neoplasms in Guangzhou hospitals increased year by year, largely reflecting the continuous improvement of tumor diagnosis, but the main reason for the lower MV% in developed countries was that in some hospitals, The diagnosis level is not high due to the difference between MV% of tertiary hospitals and developed countries, while the gap between primary and secondary hospitals is relatively large. Guangzhou Cancer Network Report just started, strengthen and improve the management of cancer registration can improve MV%.
【摘要】“教育无小事,处处显真情。”俗语说:“良言一句三冬暖”。老师一句温暖的话语,就像和煦的春风,催开学生的心灵之花,学生为此会对老师更感激、更信任、也更听老师的话。  【关键词】关爱 尊重 沟通 成长  【中图分类号】G635【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)03-0189-02  班主任工作很繁琐,这其间有欢笑,有泪水。但我最大的感受,则是充实,这一点很多老师都深有
在2013西安金博会现场,提供民间借贷的公司表现得非常踊跃,这些理财公司出示的年化收益率基本都在12%以上。面对这样的诱惑,许多市民虽然动心却十分谨慎。什么是P2P信贷,如何看它的收益风险特征?对此,本刊记者为此专访了汇中普惠财富投资管理(北京)有限公司(以下简称“汇中财富”)西北大区经理韩菲女士。  据了解,P2P信贷是“peer to peer lending”的缩写,即点对点信贷或称个人对个
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1.研究背景与目的   食管癌是世界上最常见的六大恶性肿瘤之一,显著的地域性分布差异和家族聚集现象是食管癌流行病学的突出特征,这一现象提示了环境因素和遗传因素在食管
The liver is a common site of metastasis, with essentially all metastatic malignancies having been known to spread to the liver. Nearly half of all patients wit
【摘要】传统的教学方法存在“重教太过”,“教学分离”等主观主义,缺少学生的主动性。生物教学应该大胆改造我们的课堂,发挥教师的智慧,打破陈规,突破框框,产生出新的或有意义的教学形式,培养学生的创新精神和创新能力,让学生在生物知识中遨游,从中找到兴趣。  【关键词】高中生物教学 启发式 应用  【中图分类号】G633.91【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)03-0179-02
【摘要】在学生的小学教育中,音乐教学在学生以后的学习过程中有着重要作用,能够培养学生的综合能力提高学生的学习兴趣。小学阶段是学生接受学习和开展素质教育的最佳阶段,是培养小学生乐感的基础时期,激发学生对音乐学习的兴趣。但在目前的小学音乐教学中存在着一些缺陷,不利于学生音乐的学习。本文通过对小学音乐教学中存在的不足进行分析,并提出相应的对策,促进我国小学音乐教学的发展。  【关键词】音乐教学 不足 对