Mountaineer Destroys Myth Of The \\"Yeti\\"

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1998年10月上旬,德国的法兰克福正在举办第30届 Book Fair。Frankfurt Book Fair 是当今世界最大的书市。书市爆出一条新闻:ReinholdMessner 以其多次访问喜马拉雅山地区的冒险经历写了一本题为“Yeti”的书,并举行了记者招待会。其实,对于“Yeti”,并非新鲜名词。前人对这个“喜马拉雅山之谜”早有探究。《英汉大词典》就对 Yeti 一词提供了释义:Yeti=AbominableSnowman,雪人,传说生存于喜马拉雅山上的一种动物,据信是熊。而 ReinholdMessner 在喜马拉雅山地区的探险见闻,不过是证实了“据信是熊”这一点而已(claims to confirm this with the help of photos taken during severalencounters)。可是,德国的几家报刊却对他的发现提出质疑。其实,作者作为一个探险家的精神是不能抹杀的。作者对 Yeti 的描述一定扣人心弦。本文提及的世界另一著名“怪兽”:Scotland’s fabled Loch Ness monster。据报道,那也不过是一种庞大怪异的水生动物而已。 In early October 1998, the 30th Book Fair was being held in Frankfurt, Germany. The Frankfurt Book Fair is the largest book market in the world today. The book market broke a news: Reinhold Messner wrote a book titled “Yeti” and held a press conference with his many adventures in the Himalayas. In fact, “Yeti” is not a new term. The predecessors have long explored this “mystery in the Himalayas.” The English-Chinese Dictionary provides an interpretation of the word Yeti: Yeti=AbominableSnowman, Yeti, an animal that is legendary living in the Himalayas and is believed to be a bear. Reinhold Messner’s explorations in the Himalayas are just proofs of confirming with the help of photos set during several occasions. However, several newspapers in Germany questioned his findings. In fact, the spirit of the author as an explorer cannot be obliterated. The author’s description of Yeti must be exciting. Another famous monster in the world mentioned in this article: Scotland’s fabled Loch Ness monster. According to reports, it is nothing more than a huge and strange aquatic animal.
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