一年一度 科学测评 体系不变 时间提前 企业竞争力排名发布在即

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本刊讯(记者王丽媛)日前,中国纺织工业协会副秘书长夏令敏向媒体披露,一年一度的中国纺织服装行业企业竞争力发布会将于3月17日在北京举行。会议将发布2006年中国纺织行业销售收入和出口双百强企业名单,棉纺(色织)、化纤、毛纺、麻纺、针织、印染、丝绸、服装8个行业销售收入前50家企业名单,以及各行业“企业竞争力十强”名单;同时发布2006年度中国纺织行业竞争力年度报告。届时将有政府人士、行业领导、专家学者、产业集群及企业代表参会,共同见证这一激动人心的时刻。 (Reporter Wang Liyuan) Recently, Xia Lingmin, deputy secretary general of China Textile Industry Association, disclosed to the media that the annual conference on competitiveness of China’s textile and garment industry enterprises will be held on March 17 in Beijing. The conference will release a list of the top 50 enterprises in China’s textile industry in terms of sales revenue and exports in 2006, the top 50 exporters in the eight industries including cotton (yarn dyed), chemical fiber, wool, hemp, knitwear, printing and dyeing, silk and clothing, Industry “top ten enterprises competitiveness” list; also released 2006 annual report of China’s textile industry competitiveness. At that time, government officials, industry leaders, experts and scholars, industrial clusters and business representatives will be participating to witness this exciting time.
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