Yao nationality is a kind of song of good song. The genre of folk songs and rhymes is various and has distinct national characteristics. The Yao ethnic group is composed of several ethnic groups with different branches and different ethnic groups. According to the language and customs, the Yao ethnic group can be divided into three major branches: (1) Shan Ziyao); ...... Second, the Cao Miao Yao ethnic Miao language branch of the Bu Nuoyao branch (including Bu Nuu, Bai Ku Yao, Hua Lan Yao and some Hong Yao); Third, manipulate Zhuang Dong language Dong language Branch of the Dasan Yao. “①” As the various ethnic groups in Yao have different life characteristics and different languages, the artistic style is rich and colorful. Guangxi Du’an, Bama, east