The purity of the CMS lines used to formulate hybrid rice is one of the factors influencing the hybrid rice’s ability to give full play to its advantages. In the past three years, we examined the pollen grains by microscopy and microscopic observation on the male sterility lines of D19 and D197 sterile lines (CMS lines of Dwarf and Shanyou, respectively) Department of mixed plants, according to the following circumstances to identify. Two nine short sterile lines: It is in the seedling stage, tillering and jointing booting stage, green leaf sheath, auricles, leaf tongue grayish white. If the leaves sheath purple, veins, leaf edge purple plants, mixed plants, should be removed. Although the leaves in the spike green, leaf ears, leaf tongue is gray, but the panicles neck section and leaf color flush or neck full of leaves from the leaves of the plant, it is short, 2 should also be removed.