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本家用太阳开水——热水器是一种适于广大城乡住户推广应用的新型太阳热水器。其主要技术特点是在集热板和透明盖板之间,设置了能有效抑制有限空气层内的自然对流和显著减少黑吸热板的红外辐射热损失的蜂窝结构。同时,对循环水箱和联管回路系统作了合理的设计与配置,使整个装置系统的热性能有较大提高,运行温度可达100℃,扩大了应用范围、功能和使用时间。 结构特点:减小集热板和透明盖板间的自然对流换热系数h_(c2)和辐射换热系数h_(r2)有效的方法。是在集热板和透明盖板之间的封闭空气层,设置形状和尺寸(高径比L/D)适当的透明蜂窝结构。这样,就 The home with the sun water - water heater is a suitable for the majority of urban and rural households promote the use of new solar water heaters. The main technical feature is that a honeycomb structure is provided between the heat collecting plate and the transparent cover plate to effectively suppress the natural convection in the limited air layer and significantly reduce the infrared radiation heat loss of the black heat absorbing plate. At the same time, the design and configuration of the circulating water tank and the combined circuit system are reasonably designed so that the thermal performance of the entire system is greatly improved. The operating temperature can reach 100 ° C, which expands the application range, function and usage time. Structural features: to reduce the collector and the transparent cover between the natural convection heat exchange coefficient h_ (c2) and radiation heat transfer coefficient h_ (r2) effective method. Is a closed air layer between the collector plate and the transparent cover plate, provided with a suitable transparent honeycomb structure of the shape and size (height-diameter ratio L / D). That’s it
2003年10月4日,广西桂林发生了一起罕见的谋杀案:台湾女子温思乔以500万新台币从台湾雇请3名杀手,将同居10年的情人廖国宏诱骗至大陆,策划了“温柔之旅”的惊天血案。 On Oc
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1 从对命题成立的简单验证中选定奠基步骤我们知道 ,在证明与自然数有关问题的正确性时 ,先验证当n取第一个值n0 (例如n0 =1)时命题成立 .然后假设n =k (k∈N ,k≥n0 )时命题成立 ,证
一九八○年四月,以美国全国数学教师联合会理事会的名义,公布了一份名曰《关于行动的议程》(An Agenda for Action)(下简称《议程》)的文件,对八十年代学校数学教育提出了一
本文推导和证明了一维跟踪情况下真空管平板集热器最小阳光入射角的表达式,并分析了它的光学性能。 This paper derives and proves the expression of the minimum inciden
有关研究人员称,在近千万下岗人员中,女性所占比例为60%。本文涉及的7名下岗女工似乎不属上述行列,但她们下岗后所经历的一切却非常典型。 她们系北京某集团公司下属一家全民