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目的:观察腰椎“椎骨错缝”模型大鼠造模节段生物力学及H反射潜伏期的变化。方法:采用椎体外部连接固定系统(ELFS)诱导“椎骨错缝”大鼠模型。将160只350~450 g雄性SD大鼠随机分为正常对照组、假手术组、模型对照组和实验组。实验组通过外科手术将ELFS的棘突附着部件(SAU)与大鼠L4、L5和L6棘突相连接,再使用ELFS的外部连接部件将SAU连接起来;模型对照组仅植入SAU,不安装外部连接部件;假手术组仅进行手术干预,不植入任何部件;正常对照组不进行任何干预。再将各组按固定时间分为1、2、4、8和12周5个亚组。在各连接期结束时,脊柱刚度测试系统检测实验组和模型对照组固定节段刚度;肌电诱发电位仪检测各组大鼠后肢胫神经H反射。结果:“椎骨错缝”模型大鼠脊柱造模节段刚度随连接时间的延长而增加;且造模8周后,“椎骨错缝”模型大鼠后肢胫神经H反射潜伏期显著增加。结论:“椎骨错缝”模型大鼠相应造模节段发生了相关的生物力学及神经传导特性的改变。 Objective: To observe the change of biomechanics and H reflex latency in the modeling segment of lumbar spondylolisthesis. Methods: Sprague-Dawley rat model was induced by ELFS. 160 male SD rats weighing 350-450 g were randomly divided into normal control group, sham operation group, model control group and experimental group. In the experimental group, the ELFS spinous process attachment (SAU) was surgically connected to the rat L4, L5 and L6 spinous processes, and then the ELU was used to connect the SAU. The model control group was only implanted with SAU, External connection components; sham operation group only surgical intervention, no components were implanted; normal control group without any intervention. The groups were divided into five subgroups of 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks according to a fixed time. At the end of each connection period, the spinal stiffness test system was used to test the stiffness of the fixed segments in the experimental group and the model control group. The H-reflex of the tibial nerve of the hindlimbs in each group was detected by EMG. Results: The stiffness of spinal articular segment increased with the prolongation of connection time in model “Spina bifida” model rats. After 8 weeks of modeling, the latency of H reflex of hindlimb tibial nerve in “Spina bifida” rat model was significant increase. CONCLUSION: The biomechanical and neurological changes related to the corresponding model-making segment in the “Spina bifida” rat model were changed.
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摘 要:“自主立体式”课程模式对激发学生的问题意识和进取精神,关注个体差异和不同的学习需求具有不同凡响的作用。自主是内在的,立体是外在的;自主是学生学习的一种内驱、一种方法,立体是学生学习的一种载体、一种媒介;自主学习在立体环境中更能进一步提升,立体环境又为自主学习营造了良好的氛围。  关键词:自主立体式;课程模式  中图分类号:G633.33 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(201