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梁衡同志(现任国家新闻出版署副署长)以散文著称于世。《晋祠》《大无大有周恩来》《觅渡,觅渡,渡在何处?》都是脍炙人口的名篇。他还十分热衷科普创作,他撰写的《数理化通俗演义》(以下简称《演义》),10年来已再版5次。科学的产生,如果从希腊爱奥尼亚学派算起,已历经3000多年;即使从哥白尼时代的《天体运行论》算起,也已近500年。科学典籍浩如烟海,科学巨匠粲若星云。《演义》择各时期最有代表性的科学家,理出一条脉络分明的主线,这确实是一项拓荒性的工作。《演义》是一部形象的科学史,是一部文明进步战胜野蛮邪恶的历史,是一部民主科学战胜封建愚昧的历史。在总体构思和表现手法上,《演义》把科学、教育、文学三者熔于一炉,以知识、人物、方法三条纵线贯穿全书,叙事风格兼顾趣、情、理。全书采用章回体,以“演义”的笔调渲染出话本独有的传统韵味。这部书写作的初哀是,缓解青年人读书之苦,在愉悦中传播科技知识,弘扬科学家的献身精神,介绍他们的治学方法。这种“以趣激智”,思想教育与方法教育并重的创作宗旨,对于增强学生的人文素养和科技素养,培养学生的创新精神,也具有重要的指导意义。从本期开始,本栏目将陆续选登《演义》中的文章,以配合学校、家庭全面实施素质教育,促进科普工作深入、持久地开展。 Comrade Liang Heng (currently the deputy director of the State Press and Publication Administration) is famous for his prose. “Jinci” “There is nothing great Zhou Enlai” “Find ferry, seek ferry, where to cross?” All are well-known articles. He is also very keen on popular science creation. He wrote “The Romance of Mathematics and Physics” (hereinafter referred to as “Romance”) and has been reprinted five times in 10 years. The birth of science, after more than 3,000 years from the Greek Ionian school, has been nearly 500 years, even from the “theory of the celestial bodies” of the Copernican era. Science books voluminous, science giant 粲 if the nebula. It is indeed a pioneering task to find the most clear-cut main line of the most representative scientists in each period of “Romance of the Kingdoms.” “Romance of the Kingdoms” is an image of the history of science, is a history of civilized progress over barbarous and evil, is a democratic science defeat the history of feudal ignorance. In terms of overall conception and expression, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms integrates science, education and literature into one, and runs through the whole book with three vertical lines of knowledge, characters and methods. The narrative style combines interests, feelings and reason. The book uses the chapter body, with the “righteousness” in the style of rendering the original unique charm of the traditional words. The beginning of this book writing is to ease the pain of young people to study, in the joy of dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge, to promote the dedication of scientists to introduce their methods of learning. This kind of “interest excitement”, ideological education and method of teaching both creative purpose, to enhance students 'humanities and science and technology accomplishment, training students' innovative spirit, also has important guiding significance. From the beginning of this issue, this column will select articles from Romance of the World in succession to meet the needs of schools and families in implementing quality education in an all-round way and promoting the work of science popularization in an in-depth and sustained manner.
在大力加强和改革中学政治课教学,全面实施素质教育的过程中,应怎样培养学生的创新思维能力呢?  一、转变教育观念,实施创新教学  转变教育观念,是培养学生创新思维能力的前提。我们传统的课堂教学模式以知识为本位,以教师为中心,以传授灌输为主要特征。受传统的权威式师道尊严教育模式的影响,使学生敬畏老师、把老师当做知识的化身,学生视老师为知识的唯一源泉,用教师规定的内容回答教师的问题,小心翼翼,不敢超越一
◆动词短语◇look after,take care of与care forlook after和take care of都可以表示“照顾”人或“照看”物品,一般情况下这两者可以互换。 ◆ Verb phrase ◇ look after