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一、巡迴点检制度 福建炼油厂以车间为单位运用现代安全管理理论,结合石油化工(炼油)行业的特点,确定危险设备、重点防范设备和相应的岗位职责,然后具体定出该设备正常运行时的工况参数(如工作压力、工作温度、介质流速……等).用牌子写出,挂在设备上。同时规定了岗位操作者每小时或每班到位巡查一次,并把巡查的结果记录在当班记录本上。巡查中发现异常现象,操作者的职责是:查明原因、操作调整、恢复正常。倘若调整不了,应立即报告,请求处理,直至正常运行。这就是巡迴点检制度。 二、“收牌”巡迴点检制度 为了切实做好巡迴点检工作,福建炼油厂动力车间一氧化碳锅炉管理中还辅以“收牌”的办法,对操作工实施考核,并与奖金挂钩。具体做法是:每天上班后,领班大班长亲自查巡一遍,结合近日来的运行状况,在某些既定的巡检点,如阀门、部件等处,放置一些巡检牌,表明为了确保安全运行,操作工在该处务必仔细检查、调整、维护、保养。当班操作工只要认真到位点检,在巡检的同时就会发现这块巡检牌.巡检后将“牌”收回来,交班时一并交验。倘若操作工不认真到位巡检,或巡检不认真就拿不回这块“牌”子,则按工作失误考核。至于巡检牌放在那里,放几块都不一定,(有可能一块都没有),完全根据运行工况和人员素质而定? A tour inspection system Fujian refinery workshop as a unit using modern safety management theory, combined with the petrochemical (oil refining) industry characteristics, identify dangerous equipment, focusing on preventive equipment and the corresponding job responsibilities, and then specify the normal operation of the equipment When working conditions parameters (such as working pressure, working temperature, medium flow rate ... ...) with a brand write, hanging on the device. At the same time provides for post operators hourly or in-class inspections in place, and the inspection results recorded in the shift book. During the inspection, we found anomalies. The responsibilities of the operator are: to find out the reason, adjust the operation and return to normal. If the adjustment can not be immediately reported, request processing, until normal operation. This is the inspection system. Second, the “closing card” tour inspection system In order to effectively do the inspection tour, Fujian refinery power plant carbon monoxide boiler management is also supplemented by “close the card” approach to the implementation of the operator assessment, and bonuses linked. The specific approach is: every day after work, the chief supervisor personally check again, combined with the recent operation, some of the designated inspection points, such as valves, parts, etc., put some inspection card, indicating that in order to ensure safe operation , Operators in the office must be carefully checked, adjusted, maintained and maintained. On duty operators as long as the serious spot check, inspection at the same time will find this piece of inspection card.Patrol inspection will be “card” to recover, when submitted to pay. If the operator is not in place for inspection, or inspection does not take seriously not take this piece of “brand” son, according to the work of mistakes assessment. As for the inspection card put there, put a few pieces are not necessarily, (there may not be a piece), based entirely on operating conditions and personnel qualities?
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