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滤过性抗青光眼手术后形成囊状滤过泡是不良后果之一。由于前壁变薄可致房水渗出,引起低眼压,向前隆起的结膜使病人感觉不适,轻微外伤易引起穿孔,有眼内感染的危险。作者认为囊状滤过泡形成的原因与筋膜囊前缘附着的局部解剖学有关系。筋膜囊前缘附着点和角膜缘间的距离因人而异,由几乎紧贴角膜缘到相距2~3mm不等。如筋膜囊距角膜缘2~3mm附着,那么此处的滤过泡前壁就只有结膜。当房 Filtration of anti-glaucoma after the formation of cystic filtration bleb is one of the undesirable consequences. As the anterior wall thinning can cause aqueous exudation, causing low intraocular pressure, forward bulging conjunctiva patients feel uncomfortable, minor trauma easily lead to perforation, the risk of intraocular infection. The authors conclude that the cause of the formation of cystic bleb is related to the local anatomy of the adherent front fascia. The distance between the front attachment point of the fascia sac and the corneal margin varies from person to person and is almost 2 to 3 mm apart from the limbus. If the fascia from the limbus 2 ~ 3mm attached, then here the filter bleb front wall only conjunctiva. When the room
有机化学学科是鞍山师范学院的重点建设学科 ,天然产物有机化学和生物有机分析化学是学科的两个研究方向。有机化学学科现有教授 3名、副教授 7名、讲师 2名 ,其中具有硕士学
Two new isomers of HPS3 system, HP(S)S2 and HSSPS, are predicted by means of B3LYP method with 6-311++G(3df,3pd) basis set. The two isomers can isomerize into
由中国机械工程学会理化检验分会主持、上海材料研究所承办的“中国机械工程学会理化检验分会 4 0年学术会议”于 2 0 0 2年 12月 7~ 8日在北京国际会议中心召开。来自全国高
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IntroductionChiral ferrocene and their derivatives have at-tracted much attention of some researchers workingin the fields of asymmetric synthesis and nonlinear
自1973年 Billroth 首创全喉截除术后,许多术式相继产生,给喉癌患者带来了生的希望,但术后,患者丧失发音功能、不能用鼻呼吸,变成严重的残疾人,不少患者为此宁死不肯接受手
赛车般的动力 捷达王装备有世界领先技术的EA113五气门电喷发动机,使其具有强劲的动力性,驾驶捷达王享受动力充盈、后劲无穷的赛车乐趣。 EA113五气门电喷发动机是由德国大
The bearing is described by constrain matrix, and the spindle system of a NC surface grinding machine is simplified as elastic-coupling beam, then modal synthe