An Experimental Study on Aerodynamic Sound Generated from Wake Interaction of Circular Cylinder and

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianaiguo
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In our previous study,the effects of the interval between the cylinder and the airfoil on the aerodynamic sound were investigated and compared with the cases of single circular and single airfoil.In this study,the effects of the attack angle of the airfoil located downstream on the characteristics of aerodynamic sound and the wake structure are investigated at a given interval between the cylinder and the airfoil.It is found that the sound pressure level of DFN and the peak frequency decrease with increasing attack angle of airfoil because of the diffusive wake struc- ture due to the increased back pressure of circular cylinder,which is caused by the blocking effect of airfoil.It is shown that the sound sources are corresponded to the attack points of shedding vortex form the upstream circular cylinder to the downstream airfoil.We conclude that the pressure fluctuation at the airfoil surface effects on the sound pressure level,from the flow visualizations and the exploration test of sound source. In our previous study, the effects of the interval between the cylinder and the airfoil on the aerodynamic sound were investigated and compared with the cases of single circular and single airfoil. In this study, the effects of the attack angle of the airfoil located downstream on the characteristics of aerodynamic sound and the wake structure are investigated at a given interval between the cylinder and the airfoil. It is found that the sound pressure level of DFN and the peak frequency decrease with increasing attack angle of airfoil because of the diffusive wake struc- ture due to the increased back pressure of circular cylinder, which is caused by the blocking effect of airfoil. It is shown that the sound sources are corresponded to the attack points of shedding vortex form the upstream circular cylinder to the downstream airfoil. We conclude that the pressure fluctuation at the airfoil surface effects on the sound pressure level, from the flow visualizations and the exploration test of so und source.
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1 基本案情2007年4月30日晚20点50分,我市兽医卫生监督检验所行政执法人员接到群众举报:有人用三轮摩托车运载病死猪肉,在市区农贸市场门口搭乘武冈到邵东零担车,欲将病死猪
开展促进开放的地方立法,是把党委的重大决策转化为全市人民的共同意志,是在既没有上位法。又没有可资借鉴经验的情况下,重庆市人大常委会所做的一项创新性工作。 To carry