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我在写这篇文章的题目时,一旁的小姑看了拼命地笑我,她说:“嫂子哎,你真是好俗!”我说,我本来就是个俗人,事实上,滚滚红尘中的男男女女,谁能免得了一个“俗”字! 你对他有一份真诚的感情,这时你会做什么?自然是“牵挂着你的牵挂,爱着你的爱”。女人们会在天冷的时候,给心上的男人堡一锅浓浓的鸡汤,看着他喝下去,看着他额头沁出的点点晶莹的汗珠,然后温柔地用纸巾为他擦拭,嘴里再娇娇地埋怨一句:“看你,像个贪吃的孩子!”男人们呢,哪怕他口袋里的票子再少,他也会省吃俭用,把抽了许多年的烟都戒了,在秋风即将来临的时候,给你买一件你心仪已久的风衣。 When I was writing the title of this essay, the little girl on the side laughed and laughed desperately at me. She said: “My sister-in-law, you are so vulgar!” I said that I was a laity. Actually, men and women , Who can avoid a “vulgar” word! You have a sincere feeling to him, what are you going to do at this time? Naturally, “care about your love, love your love.” When the weather is cold, the women cook a hearty man with a thick soup of chicken and watch him drink and watch the crystal beads of sweat dripping from his forehead, then gently wipe him with a tissue, His mouth again and again vociferously complain: “Look at you, like a greedy child!” Men, even if his pocket less money, he would also live frugally, to smoke for many years smoking Quit, in the autumn approaching, buy you a long-winged trench coat.
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毕业班学生,各科学习任务都比较重,而英语的学习又是一个长期积累才能出成绩的课程,短时间无法快速提高。因此,在面对升学压力的时候,许多学生到了最后的时候往往出现内心深处对英语的恐惧和排斥。从而导致英语成绩一直停滞不前,甚至大幅下降。  这个问题是大家不能不去面对和解决的。然而,如何围绕新课程标准,进一步做好初三毕业班的英语教学工作,保证学生更好的掌握知识呢?  首先,坚定不移地以素质教育为原则。  
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