
来源 :中学语文 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zaodt
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一、导读设想文言文的传统教法是通过教师逐字逐句的串讲,让学生理解文章的字句,了解文章的内容。这种教法虽然也有一定的效果,但它使学生处于被动地位,难以引起学生学习文言文的兴趣和发展其智力。在文言文教学中,是否也可以采用“导读法”呢?所谓导读,就是引导学生读。导读的过程,就是教师进行提示、示范、启发、点拨、释疑,从而发挥其主导 First, the traditional teaching method of reading the assimilation of the classical Chinese script is to let the students understand the words and sentences of the articles and understand the contents of the articles. Although this method of teaching has certain effects, it makes the students in a passive position, making it difficult for students to learn classical Chinese and develop their intelligence. In the teaching of classical Chinese, is it also possible to use the “guide reading method”? The so-called guided reading is to guide students to read. The process of reading guides is the teacher’s prompting, demonstrating, inspiring, inspiring, and dispelling doubts, so that they can play a leading role.
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