An Overview of the Historical Development ofCollections of Ancient Tibetan Buddhist Books

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  DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1674-9391.2020.04.009Abstract:The collections of ancient Tibetan Buddhist books took root with the introduction of Buddhism and the development of sutra translations. It was a long process from collecting the books to the founding of the Buddhist collection system in monasteries. It is a system based upon a unique Buddhist collecting system which took the Tibetan Tripitaka as the core, and was finally formalized. In this paper, through a review of the collections of Buddhist books in ancient Tibet during the Tubo period, the separatist period, and the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, the rules for the historical development of collecting are discussed.
  Monasteries are the main collectors of Tibetan Buddhist books, and their collections of Buddhist books were carried out along with the activities of Tibetan Buddhist scripture translation and the construction of Tibetan Buddhist monasteries. And then, the collections gradually developed and grew under the incentive of making merit by the monks, laymen and other believers. During the Srongbtsansgampo period, Buddhism was introduced into the Tubo region from India and the Central Plains. The sutras carried by Princess Bhrikuti Devi(Khribtsun) and Princess Wencheng (rGyabzangkongjo) and by the foreign monks, who arrived in the same period, constituted the earliest collection of Buddhist sutras in ancient Tibet. Minister Thunmisambhota  s creation of the Tibetan writing system and his translation of the Tibetan Buddhist texts laid the foundation for the collections of Buddhist scriptures. The construction of the Samye Monastery, the rise of Tibetan Buddhism, the organization of largescale Sutra translations, and the setting up of special places for the storage of the Tibetan Buddhist classics by monasteries in the era of Khrisrongldebtsan was the beginning of the collections of Tibetan Buddhist books.  During the era of Khrigtsugldebtsan, the collections of Tibetan Buddhist books in monasteries began to take shape.
  In 841,Khrigtsugldebtsan was killed in the fight between Buddhism and Bon. gLangdarma came to power and began persecuting Buddhists. After two hundred years of the Tubo Dynasty, Tibet entered the period of Secession. From the end of the 9th century to the beginning of the 12th century, due to various forces   advocating Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism absorbed elements from Bon, and many Tibetan Buddhist sects were formulated during the process of its dissemination.  This phenomenon reveals the fact that even though the different forces were politically mutually isolated politically, they nonetheless shared unbreakable linkages  on the level of culture and religion. During this period, a large group of translation masters successively emerged within the various sects. They translated a large number of Buddhist classics, and produced “hidden scriptures”, which numbered more than 2,700 kinds. In the 13th century, the Yuan Dynasty unified Tibet. The Era of Separation was over and Tibet entered a period of unification and stability. Tibetan Buddhist literature, monographs and annotated works developed rapidly. The increasing amount of Buddhist literature promoted the development of the ancient Tibetan Buddhist collections. As the large number of Buddhist scriptures, with different versions and varying texts, emerged, for the convenience of retrieval and reading, monks in monasteries, represented by Master Butn, began to classify, sort, compile and proofread the Buddhist sutras. They formed a literary collections directory for the Tibetan Tripitaka: an ancient version of Narthang kangyur catalogue, Butn Tibetan Tripitaka catalogue, Tsalyang kangyur catalogue, Shalu Tanjur catalogue, and the Nyidong Tanjur catalogue. The finalization of the contents of the Tibetan Tripitaka confirmed the collection system of the ancient Tibetan monasteries which took the Tibetan Tripitaka as the core. After the Yuan Dynasty, the system of making book collections and cataloguing basically followed the Tripitaka system formed during the Yuan period until it gradually improved in the middle of the Qing Dynasty.   During the Ming and Qing dynasties,ancient Tibet constantly developed the Buddhist collection system with the Tibetan Tripitaka as the core. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Tibet implemented a theocratic system, and the Central Government hoped to consolidate its rule over ancient Tibet through the influence of Tibetan Buddhism. The local government of Tibet also actively communicated with the Central Government in order to consolidate its ruling position through the support of the Central Government. During this period, the Central Government and the local government of Tibet attached great importance to printing and transcribing the Tripitaka. The prosperity of the blockprinted editions of Tibetan Tripitaka brought the collections of ancient Tibetan Buddhist books into its heyday.  During this period, 15 representative versions of the Kangyur and Danjur were produced.
  During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the collections of Buddhist texts also involved collections other than the Tripitaka, such as The Catalogue of the Potala Palace Collection compiled by the Fifth Dalai Lama Ngagdbangblobrangrgyamtsho, The Catalogue of the Potala Palace and Drepung Monastery dgavldanphobrang Collection, and The Catalogue of the Collections of the Dalai and Panchen Lamas compiled by the seventh Dalai Lama bsKalbzangrgyamtsho and the second vJamdbyangs bzhad pa of Labrang Monastery,   vjigsmeddbangbo, The Catalogue of the Collected Essays of the Eminent Monks of the Garang and Gelug Schools (over 40) compiled by Klongrdolblama Ngagdbangblobzang based on the collection of the scholars of the bkavgdamspa and dGelugspa sects. The Catalogue of Rare Books, compiled by ShesrabrGyamtsho, the secretary of the third vJamdbyangs bzhad pa of Labrang Monastery in the mid19th century, is a set of collected works from more than 90 eminent monks from various sects (Bao,1990).
  The collections of Buddhist books in ancient Tibet experienced a history of more than one thousand years, and they preserved an extremely rich collection of documents and books for later generations. Its numbers and size are rarely found  in other ethnic minority areas of China. These Buddhist collections have become an important part of our librarianship. Stimulated by the translation of Buddhist scriptures and Buddhist activities, these collections of Buddhist books in ancient Tibet gradually formed a collection system with Tibetan Buddhist characteristics, and occupied a position in the history of ancient Chinese libraries by sorting, classifying and cataloguing Buddhist classics. The study of ancient Tibetan Buddhist collections is of great practical and theoretical significance to the improvement of the Buddhist collections in China.
  Key Words:ancient Tibet; Tibetan Buddhist books;historical development
  Bao Shounan. zangwen muluxue de lishi fazhan he mianling de jige keti renwu(The Historical Development and Several Tasks of Tibetan Bibliography). In Journal of Northwest University for Nationalities (Philosophy and Social Science),1999(1).
山从天目成群出,水傍太湖分港流。行遍江南清丽地,人生只合住湖州。  这是宋末元初文学家戴表元所作的《湖州》。讲述的是太湖之滨的湖州,风景如画,最适宜居住。  但这样一个诗情画意、景色万千的地方,曾经因为无序发展,亦污染严重。流经村庄的溪水变得污浊不堪,青山变成了“秃山”,烟尘笼罩的村庄污水横流、垃圾遍地。  2005年8月15日,时任浙江省委书记的习近平同志在湖州市安吉县余村考察时,首次提出“绿水
据《萤窗异草》记载,河北涿郡的风水先生甲很擅长妖术,乡里的富户死了人,必定要花重金请他来,并以盛筵款待,才可平安无事,否则便会有祸事发生。  某村有一富翁老病而死,亲戚们非让富翁的儿子去请甲来。当时甲正在造房,知道死者是巨富之家,便想借此狠狠地敲诈一笔。富翁的儿子未答应,甲就威胁说今晚子时与亥时交替的那一刻将发生尸变。富翁儿子想要妥协,一个亲戚推荐了另一位风水先生乙,说乙本领很不错,只是甲名气太响
潼关县共有60周岁以上老人2.6万余名,占全县总人口的19.3%。随着人口老龄化程度进一步加深,养老不仅是每个家庭面临的问题,也是实现小康不可缺失的一环。  近年来,潼关县高度重视养老事业发展,初步建成了以县级养老服务中心为带动,镇级敬老院、农村互助幸福院为补充的三级养老服务体系,实现了社会救助、合疗、大病保险一站式报销,方便了老人就医,让老有所养从“有保障”到“更完善”。塑造养老行业新典范  “
李贤经营一家小五金商店,以诚待客,童叟无欺,口碑一直不错。李贤这个人哪儿都好,就是粗心大意,两年前的一天,他骑着自行车去办事,半路发现忘带手机了,就在路边的公用电话亭打了一个长途电话,手提包随手放在自行车前面的车篮中。等他打完电话一扭头,不禁倒吸了一口凉气:手提包不见了!肯定是被顺手牵羊了。  手提包里有当天的收入两千元,还有一些票据和李贤的身份证。钱好说,但是票据和身份证丢了真糟心,李贤马上就去
小兰和阿聪谈恋爱时就知道阿聪没多少积蓄,她心疼阿聪,结婚的时候既没要钻戒,也没办婚礼。阿聪信誓旦旦地承诺,三年之内一定给小兰买个大钻戒。  转眼结婚七年了,说好的大钻戒连个影都没见着。更让小兰窝火的是,闺蜜们都掌握着家中“财政大权”,可她连阿聪的工资卡长什么样儿都不知道。  结婚七周年纪念日这天,小兰积攒多年的怨气终于忍不住爆发了。“你就是个窝囊废、大骗子!七年了,你的承诺呢?我跟了你算瞎了眼!”
李然是个饭店的老板,每星期他都挤出两天的时间到农村里去转转。他坚信“美食在民间”,去各处寻找美食,也是他赚钱的秘籍。  这天,李然来到风景秀丽的桃花峪水库,眼看到了中午,也饿了,就往不远处的桃花峪村走去。刚一进村,他就闻到了一股香味,皱着鼻子闻了闻,断定是一种猪肉野菜馅饼,按说材料并不特殊,但做得这么香,手艺却是绝了。  他循着香味儿找到一座很普通的民房,敲门,好一会儿,才有个男人应了一声,然后就
受疫情影响,汪雪娇有好几个月没修剪头发了,最近理发师发微信说回北京了,她很开心。  “好几年了,都是让他给我理发,有个称心如意的理发师是很幸福的。”汪雪娇说,疫情期间她没换理发师,而是一直留着长发,等着这家理发店开门。  突然来袭的新冠肺炎疫情,给原本有序的生活按下暂停键。多数时间人们待在家中,理发店生意受到影响,而人们的头发在一天天变长。有人面临“头等大事”坐立不安,有人网购理发工具,在家人之间
近年来,电动自行车进楼入户、违规充电引发的火灾事故时有发生,引发社会广泛关注。今年9月20日,北京通州玉桥街道某小区租户带电动自行车电池入户充电引发火灾,造成楼上住户5人死亡。有报道显示,今年前7个月全国发生电动车火灾事故6462起,过分充电、电池故障、线路短路等是导致此类火灾的主要原因。  事实上,面对群众出行的刚性需求,以及防范安全隐患的需要,近些年各地在治理电动自行车上楼的工作中没少费心思、
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一  大雪慢慢停了下来,摩的司机冯大富深夜还在等客人。此时,他欣喜地发现,一个身材瘦小打扮古怪的行人,步履匆匆地向他这边走来。那人用厚厚的围巾包裹着头部,身上穿着黑色对襟丝绸棉袄棉裤。到了车前,此人将一个半黄不黑的皮包僵硬地甩到车厢里,一双迷离的眼睛瞅了冯大富一眼,沙哑地说:“去南山马家村。”  冯大富眉头一下子皱了起来,摇了摇头说:“先生,马家村离市区太远了,而且路又不好走,天这么晚了,我……”