High T_c Superconducting Materials for Strong Current Applications:Approach at the First Stage

来源 :Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daifei147
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Strong current and large-scale application is the most important prospect of high Tc superconductors(HTS). Practical HTS samples in various forms have been produced with high critical currents operated at economic cryogenic temperatures. Engineering applications of those HTS materials have been studied with various HTS prototype devices. The applicable HTS materials produced in different forms are verified in this paper with regard to their strong current characterizations,and the HTS applications are summarized along with the HTS prototypes made. Strong current and large-scale application is the most important prospect of high Tc superconductors (HTS). Practical HTS samples in various forms have been produced with high critical currents operated at economic cryogenic temperatures. Engineering applications of those HTS materials have been studied with various The applicable HTS prototype devices. The applicable HTS materials produced in different forms are verified in this paper with regard to their strong current characterizations, and the HTS applications are summarized along with the HTS prototypes made.
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