牛津英语6A Unit3 It was there前三课时教学设计

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  教学说明:本单元围绕”寻找物品”这一话题展开教学,同时给学生介绍了动词be的过去式was, were.本单元安排的教学情景与学生的生活贴近。从运动会入手,引出寻找物品这一话题,语言的交际性和实用性均较强。建议教师在教学中要尽量结合学生的实际情况,创设既符合儿童心理特征又很自然的活动情景,让学生在情景中学会交际,在交际中学会语言。
  1.能掌握单词,词组a moment ago, a mobile phone, a pair of glasses, earphones, a diary, a CD Walkman, a roll of film.
  2.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Where’s your…? It’s on/in/ behind/...the…It isn’t there now. It was there a moment ago. Where are your…? They’re on/in/ behind/. the… They aren’t there now. They were there a moment ago.
  1.能掌握单词,词组a moment ago, a mobile phone, a pair of glasses, earphones, a diary, a CD Walkman, a roll of film.
  2.熟练运用句型 Where’s your…? It’s on/in/ behind/...the…It isn’t there now. It was there a moment ago. Where are your…? They’re on/in/ behind/. the… They aren’t there now. They were there a moment ago.
  Step 1 Say a rhyme Today is my birthday
  Step 2 Free talk
  T: Hello, how are you? S:I’m…
  T:What day is it today? S:…
  T:What date is it today? S:It’s…
  T:When is your birthday? S:…
  Step 3 Presentation
  1、(Ask two boys come to the teacher’s desk. One is beside the teacher’s desk. The other is behind the teacher’s desk.)
  T: Where is …?S: He’s behind the teacher’s desk.(出示句型卡片,朗读翻译)
  T: Where is …? S: He’s beside the teacher’s desk.
  2、(Exchange the students’ postion.)
  T:Where is …? S: He’s beside the teacher’s desk.
  T:Where is…? S: He’s behind the teacher’s desk.
  T: Where was…? S: He was behind the teacher’s desk.(出示句型卡片,朗读翻译)
  T:Where was…? S: He was beside the teacher’s desk.
  3、(Explain the grammar points)
  be is was(be动词过去式) am was are were
  4、Group work .To practise the structures[
  5、 T:(出示挂图) What is beside the tree? S: It’s a TV.
  T: What is beside the TV? S: It’s a mobile phone.
  T: What is on the table? S: It’s a pair of glasses.
  T: What else is on the table? S: It’s a diary.
  T: What is on the sofa? S: They are earphones.
  T: What is on the other sofa? S: It’s a roll of film.
  T: What is near the sofa? S: It’s a CD Walkman.
  6、Play a game “What’s missing?”(巩固单词)
  7、Listen to the tape and read after the tape
  Step 4 Ask and answer
  1、T:(出示挂图举例) Where’s your lamp?
  It’s near the lamp. It isn’t there now.
  It was there a moment ago.   2、Try to understand the meaning of the pictures with teacher’s help
  3、Ss discuss in groups
  4、Check the answer
  5、Underlines some four skill words and phrases
  6、Read them together
  Step 5 Homework
  1.Ask and answer部分写在家作本上
  1、能正确掌握单词和词组‘Sports Day, be excited, watch a running race, want to do sth, take some photos, look for, be exciting, let sb. do, a moment ago, just now, on the ground, pick sth. Up
  2、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语It is Sports Day. Let me see. Can I have them, please? Can you pick them up for me, please?
  1、能四会掌握单词excited, race, look for, take photos, a moment, ago, just now
  2、能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语It is the Sports Day. Let me see. Can I have them, please? Can you pick them up for me, please?
  Step1 Revision
  1 Play a game Look and guess(看图的一部分猜猜是什么)
  T: What’s this? S:…
  T:Ask students to read the words in Unit4B S:read them together
  2. Ask students to have a dictation.
  Step 2 Presentation the dialogue
  1.Look at the picture and talk about it
  2.Play the tape-recorder and ask students to read after the tape.
  Listen carefully and try to catch the general meaning.
  3. Ask some questions.(看挂图回答问题)
  a.Where are they? Can you guess
  They are in the playground.
  b. What is Su Yang doing?
  She is watching a running race.
  c.What is Su Hai doing?
  She is looking for her camera.
  d.Where is Su Hai’s camera?
  It is in her bag
  e.Where are the films?
  They are on the ground.
  Show students the sentences in unit 4 and then ask them to do some exercise[
  4.(1)All the students are very excited.(同义句)
  Everyone is very excited.
  (2)Su Hai wants to take some photos.(同义句)
  Su Hai would like to take some photos.
  (3)It was there a moment ago.(同义句)
  It was there just now.
  (4)Can you pick them up for me.(同义句)
  Can you pick up the films for me.
  Step 3 Listen,read and say
  1.Listen to the tape and follow the tape
  2.Translate the dialogue
  3.underlines the four skill words and phrases
  4.Read in groups
  5.do the exercise on p31
  6.check the answer
  Step 4 Homework
  1、Listen and read the text.
  2、Make topics next class
摘要:语言是在特定的文化背景下产生的,它是随着人类社会的发展而发展,与人类社会实践活动息息相关。语言是文化的载体,它的产生形成了文化的产生和发展,,没有了语言就没有了文化的获取,传播和继承。因此,学习一门语言不仅要掌握该语言的结构,还要了解其所依附的文化背景。本文主要探讨了在英语教学中,如何导入文化及文化导入的重要性。  关键词:文化背景;文化导入;英语教学  英语教学不仅仅是对简单的语音、词汇和
摘要:本文采用问卷的方式对本校三个专业的196名大一学生进行第一次调查,后又对其中某专业的83名学生进行了第二次调查。旨在全面了解学生对教师在英语课堂上采用的差异性学生评价的反应,借以说明差异性学生评价在高职院校的英语课堂上有无必要实行、所取得的效果以及进一步改进的地方,并据此提出了相关教学建议。  关键词:差异性学生评价;高职院校;英语课堂教学;教学建议  1.引言  由于高职院校学生在英语学习
摘要:培养学生的自主学习能力已经成为新时期、新课改的首要问题,也是根本所在。在实施课堂教学素质化的今天,教师在教与学的过程中加强对学生自主学习能力的培养、调动学生学习的积极性、促使学生主动学习、学会学习 ,就显得尤为重要。  关键词:自主学习;课堂教学  《全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准》倡导自主学习、探究学习和合作学习的学习方式作为课改的基本理念。所谓自主学习,是指学生在老师的科学指导下