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今天,辽宁日报报业集团召开大会,并宣布党委决定,授予李宏林同志和我“终身记者”称号。此时此刻我想说的话很多,但是我首先要说:没有共产党就没有我的今天;没有辽宁日报这张党报就没有我的今天一在我的近半个世纪的新闻生涯中,我相信这个机遇,我相信勤奋,更相信热心帮助我的同志和朋友,没有这些同志和明友也不会有我的今天。1947年1月,一个还不满15岁的孩子,一个连大人的事都不懂的高小毕业生,一个当过三年区儿童团长的我参加了革命.应该说是打倒日本侵略军,打倒国民党反动派的革命浪潮,硬把我推 Today, Liaoning Daily Newspaper Group convened a meeting and announced that the party committee has decided to grant Comrade Li Honglin and I the title of “lifetime journalist.” At this moment I want to say a lot, but I must first of all say: Without the Communist Party there is no I am today; Liaoning Daily without this newspaper is not my Today Today, in my nearly half a century of journalistic career, I believe this Opportunity, I believe hard work, I believe more enthusiastic help my comrades and friends, without these comrades and friends will not have my day. In January 1947, a kid who was under 15 years old, a high school graduate who did not know anything about adults, and a child leader who was a three-year district participated in the revolution. It should be said that the Japanese aggressor troops were toppled and overthrown The revolutionary wave of the Kuomintang reactionaries pushed me hard
Intelligent systems and methods such as the neural network (NN) are usually used in electric power systems for short-term electrical load forecasting. However,
本文根据1987年发表的部分采矿方面的论文与报道,分8个方面进行评述。 Based on the papers and reports on some mining issues published in 1987, this article reviews
一、井田开采情况与发展前景白芨沟井田含煤地层为中下侏罗纪延安统,共含可采及局部可采煤层七层,截至1987年底,全井剩余地质储量22053.5万 t,可采煤量14796.3万 t,按年生产
背景:  肺癌目前在世界范围已经上升到第一高发的恶性肿瘤。非小细胞肺癌是较典型的由驱动基因发生发展的瘤种,在以精确治疗为目标的当代,通过特异性靶向调控这些基因可导致