Effect of Rare Earths on Plant under Supplementary Ultraviolet-B Radiation: Ⅰ Effect of Cerium on Gr

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guoqy
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Effect of cerium (Ce~ 3+) on growth and photosynthesis in rape seedlings exposed to two levels of ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280~320 nm) was studied with hydroponics under laboratory conditions. The growth of rape seedlings exposed to two levels of UV-B irradiation (0.15 and 0.35 W·m~ -2/T_2) was both heavily restrained. The aboveground growth indices including stem (plant) height, leaf number, leaf area, leaf fresh/dry weight and stem fresh/dry weight were obviously decreased by 13.2%~44.1% (T_1) and 21.4%~49.3% (T_2). Compared to CK, and except active absorption area of roots, the belowground indices main root length, root volume and fresh/dry weight by 14.1%~35.6% (T_1) and 20.3%~42.6% (T_2), respectively. For Ce+UV-B treatments, the aboveground and belowground growth indices were decreased by 4.1%~23.6%, 5.2%~23.3% (Ce+T_1) and 10.8%~28.4%, 7.0%~27.8% (Ce+T_2), lower than those of UV-B treatments mentioned above. These results show that Ce has protective effect on plant against injury of UV-B radiation. Furthermore, the protective effect of Ce on seedlings exposed to T_1 level of UV-B radiation is superior to T_2 level. Chlorophyll content, net photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and water use efficiency in UV-B treatments decrease dramatically, whereas intercellular CO_2 concentration increases. Although these indices in Ce+UV-B treatments decrease compared with those of CK, the decrease in Ce+UV-B treatments are lower than those in UV-B treatment. This phenomenon indicates that the ecophysiological protective effect of Ce is based on improving photosynthesis in plants. The dynamic curves of photosynthesis indices show that the course of light-repair is shortened and the injury to rape seedlings by UV-B radiation stress is alleviated by Ce. The effect of cerium (Ce ~ 3+) on growth and photosynthesis in rape seedlings exposed to two levels of ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280 ~ 320 nm) was studied with hydroponics under laboratory conditions. The growth of rape seedlings exposed to The aboveground growth indices include stem (plant) height, leaf number, leaf area, leaf fresh / dry weight and stem fresh Compared with CK, and except active absorption area of ​​roots, the belowground indices main root length, root volume and fresh / dry For Ce + UV-B treatments, the aboveground and belowground growth indices were decreased by 4.1% -23.6%, 5.2% -23.3%, respectively, by 14.1% ~ 35.6% (T_1) and 20.3% ~ 42.6% (Ce + T_1) and 10.8% -28.4%, 7.0% -27.8% (Ce + T_2), lower than those of UV-B treatments mentioned above. These results show that Ce has protective effector ct on plant against injury of UV-B radiation. The protective effect of Ce on seedlings exposed to T_1 level of UV-B radiation is superior to T_2 level. Chlorophyll content, net photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and water use efficiency in UV-B treatments decrease dramatically, while intercellular CO 2 concentration increases. Although these indices in Ce + UV-B treatments decreased compared to those of CK, the decrease in Ce + UV-B treatments are lower than those in UV-B treatment . The phenomenon indicates that the ecophysiological protective effect of Ce is based on photosynthesis indices in the course of light-repair is shortened and the injury to rape seedlings by UV-B radiation stress is alleviated by Ce.
摘 要:习语作为一种特殊的语言形式,揭示了不同语言背后的不同文化背景以及带来这种差异的原因所在。本文将英汉语的习语进行比较推敲并细析了其中缘由,为跨文化交际的进一步发展搭起了桥梁。  关键词:习语;文化;差异性;跨文化交际  作者简介:王瑶佳(1993-),女,汉族,山东潍坊人,山东科技大学研究生在读,研究方向:外国语言学与应用语言学。  [中图分类号]:H09 [文献标识码]:A  [文章编号]
摘 要:生活中,形容一个东西比较坚硬一般用“硬邦邦”或者“梆梆硬”,虽然较为常见、词形也比较简单,但是对这两个词的区分并不是那么清楚。那么,本文将从本义、造字及使用情况进行比较,分析这两个词的异同。  关键词:硬邦邦;梆梆硬;结构;对比  作者简介:张树(1993-),女,汉族,山东省济南市人,山东师范大学文学院语言学及应用语言学研究生。  [中图分类号]:H131 [文献标识码]:A  [文章编
摘 要:表示“残疾”之意的本字是“癈”,因“癈”与“废”常用作假借,故今人表示“残疾”之意时常用到“残废”一词。“痼”字的意义与“癈”稍有差别,“痼”是经久难愈之病,并非用来指人身体上的缺陷。  关键词:《说文解字》;《说文解字注》;疒部字  [中图分类号]:H131 [文献标识码]:A  [文章编号]:1002-2139(2017)-17--02  东汉许慎的《说文解字》(以下简称《说文》)是我
摘 要:社会的变化发展推动语言的不断变化,使新词源源不断的产生,“蓝瘦香菇”正是在这种变化所带来的结果。它最初是由方言谐音形成的,在网络语体下发生句法功能增殖,但它的存在终究只是昙花一现。  关键词:蓝瘦香菇;产生机制;模因论;发展趋势  [中图分类号]:H136 [文献标识码]:A  [文章编号]:1002-2139(2017)-17--02  引言:  人与人之间的相互沟通是通过语言来实现的,