
来源 :中国地方病防治杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bitdefender2009
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目的通过对高碘组仔鼠脑组织结构和智力测试的观察,探讨高碘对脑发育和智力的影响。 方法将小鼠随机分为适碘组和高碘组,分别饮含碘50μg/L和3000μg/L的去离子水。连续传三代,观察高碘对各代仔鼠脑发育和智力的影响。结果1.高碘组15日龄仔鼠大脑和海马绝对重量和相对重量均较适碘组低,但尚无统计学意义(P>0.05)。2.图象分析:高碘组仔鼠大脑皮质锥体层锥体细胞平均体积、平均表面积均较适碘组显著降低(P<0.05),而锥体细胞数密度较适碘组增加(P<0.05)。提示:锥体细胞发育落后。高碘子三代与子一代相比,锥体细胞平均体积进一步减小(P<0.05),数密度进一步增加(P<0.05),提示随着传代次数增多,锥体细胞发育落后程度加重。3.水迷宫实验证实,子一代至于三代,高碘组仔鼠穿越迷宫时间延长,错误次数增加。结论高碘对小鼠脑发育和智力有一定损伤作用,这种损伤随传代次数增加而加重。 Objective To investigate the effects of high iodine on brain development and intelligence by observing brain tissue and intelligence of pupil pups in high iodine group. Methods The mice were randomly divided into iodine group and iodine group, respectively, drinking iodine 50μg / L and 3000μg / L of deionized water. Three generations of succession were observed to observe the effect of high iodine on brain development and intelligence of offspring. Results 1. The absolute weight and relative weight of brain and hippocampus of 15-day-old offspring rats in high iodine group were lower than that of the adequate iodine group, but there was no statistical significance (P> 0.05). 2. Image analysis: The average volume and the average surface area of ​​pyramidal cells in the hippocampus in the iodine group were significantly lower than those in the iodine group (P <0.05), while the number density of the pyramidal cells in the iodine group was significantly increased (P <0.05). Tip: pyramidal cells lag behind. Compared with the first generation, the average volume of pyramidal cells was further decreased (P <0.05) and the number density was further increased (P <0.05), suggesting that with the passage of times, the development of pyramidal cells lagged Increased degree. 3. Water maze test confirmed that from generation to generation three, iodine group pups lag time through the maze, the number of errors increased. Conclusion High iodine has certain damage on brain development and intelligence in mice, and this injury aggravates with the increase of passage times.
通过对 6 4例经病理检查证实诊断的各型病毒性肝炎患者的血清氨基酸谱检测 ,结果表明慢性肝炎时血清氨基酸浓度出现明显变化 ,谷氨酸、蛋氨酸、酪氨酸升高 ,晚期胱氨酸、苯丙
我科1997年6月~1998年8月共收治肺癌32例,随机分为综合组(康莱特+放射治疗)和单放组(单纯放射治疗)进行比较,总结如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料综合组16例,男15例,女1例,平
本项研究直接采用各种人体肿瘤细胞株作为供试体 ,检测了几种药用真菌粗提物在体外对不同人体肿瘤细胞增殖的抑制作用 ,建立了一套筛选抗肿瘤药物的体外检测系统。检测样品对
通过大量试验 ,测定了空气过滤器中效滤材的滤菌效率。本着准确、严密、科学的原则 ,在菌种的选择以及检测容量方面进行研究并加以改进 ,并提出了“最小检测容量”确定方法
目的 探讨应用缠绕型和管型冠状动脉内支架治疗冠心病的效果。方法 对 2 3例冠心病患者根据不同情况植入冠状动脉内支架 ,其中DeNovo支架 17个 ,Suboptimal支架 6个 ,Bail-