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一、波、匈、捷近三年经济转轨见成效波兰、匈牙利、捷克九十年代初实行经济转轨以来,其经济普遍受到较大冲击,但近三年来,三国经济在快速地转向市场的同时,已出现转机,连年增长。从基本统计看,过去三年中捷经济年均增长4—5%,1996年经济增长4.4%。与此同时,通胀率控制在6—7%的较低水平,受年初克郎贬值的影响,今年通胀率预计将提高到8—9%,失业率仅为2%。波兰经济转轨也已收到成效,1996 First, Poland, Hungary and Czech have witnessed economic transition in recent three years Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic have generally suffered a great impact on their economy since the economic transition in the early 1990s. However, in the past three years, the economy of the three countries has shifted rapidly to the market , Has been turning point, growing year by year. According to the basic statistics, the average annual growth rate of the Czech economy in the past three years is 4 - 5% and that of 1996 was 4.4%. At the same time, the inflation rate is controlled at a low level of 6-7%. Affected by the devaluation of the Klang exchange rate at the beginning of the year, the inflation rate is expected to rise to 8-9% this year and the unemployment rate will be only 2%. Poland’s economic transition has also been fruitful, 1996
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OBJECTIVE:To explore the effect of antithymocyte globulin(ATG)/antilymphocyte globulin(ALG) plus kidney-nourishing Chinese medicinal(KNCM) on severe aplastic an
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