
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hzm_jjc
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刑事犯罪情报信息是否能充分发挥其基础作用,关键性的一个环节就是情报信息的采集工作。当前指纹资料、人员资料的采集工作存在许多问题,迫切需要从采集的办法和范围等方面加以调整,笔者认为这项工作应当与办理居民身份证工作有机地结合起来。公安部1984年颁发的《刑事犯罪情报资料工作暂行规定》中指出,指纹资料、人员资料的采集范围是各类违法犯罪人员,分别由办案单位、派出所、监管、内部等部门进行采集。但令人遗憾的是,在许多地方,或者说在相当大的程度上,这些年来这个规定实际上一直没有真正落实,一些部门和单位根本就没按《规定》要求去做。实际的情况是只有看守所、拘留所在坚持情报资料采集,其它部门和单位许多或基本上是处于 Whether criminal intelligence information can give full play to its basic role, one of the key links is the collection of intelligence information. At present, there are many problems in the collection of fingerprint data and personnel data, and it is urgently necessary to make adjustments in terms of methods and scope of collection. This author believes that this work should be organically integrated with the work of handling ID cards. The Ministry of Public Security issued in 1984 “Interim Provisions on Information Work on Criminal Offenses” pointed out that the collection scope of fingerprinting materials and personnel information is all kinds of crimes committed by criminals and is collected by the handling agencies, police stations, supervisors and internal departments. However, it is regrettable that in many places, or to a large extent, this provision has in fact never been actually implemented in these years and some departments and units simply do not follow the requirements of the “Provisions”. The actual situation is that only detention centers, detention centers insist on the collection of intelligence information, other departments and units many or basically in
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尊敬的彭珮云副委员长,尊敬的李长江局长,尊敬的客人们,女士们、先生们: 我很荣幸应邀参加《中华人民共和国国际卫生检疫法》颁布15周年座谈会并代表世界卫生组织发言。在此
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