Unit1 Travel

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  Unit1 Travel
  Warming up & Reading
  Teaching Aims:
  Knowledge aims:
  1.Get the students to know some basic knowledge about the Great Wall: the Great Wall , the Old Dragon Head, Shanhaiguan Pass, the First Pass Under Heaven, Jiayuguan Pass, etc.
  2.Get the students to learn the following useful new words and expressions in this passage: rebuild, heaven, dragon ,province, engineer, guide, brief introduction, for the first time, pick sb. Up, on business, etc.
  Ability Aims:
  Develop the students’ reading ability and teach them try to use different reading skills.
  Emotional aims:
  1.Develop the student’s spirit of cooperation and teamwork.
  2.Let the students know that the Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world, and it’s the pride of our country, which can stimulate the students’ patriotic enthusiasm.
  Teaching Important Points:
  1.Get the students to learn the following useful new words and expressions: rebuild, heaven, dragon, province, engineer, guide, brief introduction for the first time, pick sb. up, on business,etc.
  2.Let the students to learn different reading skills.
  Teaching Difficult Points:
  1.Develop the students’ reading skills.
  2.Let the students to introduce the Great Wall in simple English.
  Teaching Methods:
  1.Task--bases teaching and learning
  2.Cooperative Learning
  Teaching Aids:
  PPT and other normal teaching tools
  Teaching Procedures:
  Step 1. Lead--in
  1.Do you like travel?
  2.Do you know the Great Wall?
  3.Have you ever been to the Great Wall?
  Step2. Warming up
  1.Try to guess the meanings of the following words about the Great Wall.
  The Great Wall The Old Dragon Head
  Shanhaiguan Pass Jiayuguan Pass
  Dynasty Tower
  2.Look at the pictures and try to get some information about the Great Wall.
  Step3. Reading
  Let the students read the passage quickly and try to answer the questions in Reading Comprehension.   1)Where is the Great Wall?
  2)When did the building of the Great Wall begin?
  3)Why did several kingdoms build their walls during the Warring States Period?
  4)Who decided to have the walls linked and extended in 221 BC?
  5)How many people were forced to build the Great Wall by the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty?
  6)When was the Great Wall which we can see today rebuilt?
  7)What is the total length of the Great Wall?
  Decide whether the following statements are T or F according to the text “The Great Wall”.
  ( ) 1) The Great Wall was first built during the Qin Dynasty.
  ( ) 2) The Great Wall was build to protect their countries against the enemies.
  ( ) 3) At that time, one third of China’s population were made to build the Wall.
  ( ) 4) In the 16th century, the Great Wall was rebuilt.
  ( ) 5) In ancient times, soldiers made fire to keep warm on the beacon towers.
  3.Post——reading (Discussion)
  Ask the students to retell the Great Wall in simple English.
  Step4 Homework
  1.Read the passage again and try to finish the related workbook exercises.
  2.Find out the important phrases and useful sentence patterns in this passage.
  山西省曲沃縣中等职业技术学校 刘玉琳
I. Teaching Content 教學内容: A smart librarian - Year2 Reading  II. Teaching Objectives 教学目标  1.Students are able to read the story.  2.Students are able to understand the main idea of the story.  3.Stud
●Teaching Aims  After this class, all students can  1.speak out the words correctly  —sweets, soup, sorry & bread.  2.read the dialogue in roles accurately and understand its meaning.  3.use the sente
摘要:班主任工作,事无大小,每项工作都要做实、做细,真所谓是千头万绪。我将会用自己最真诚的爱心把祖国的花朵浇灌得更红、更艳、更美!  关键词:为人师表班级凝聚力用心爱学生  一、为人师表  “为人师表”,意为在人品学问方面做别人学习的模样,是千百年来教师的标准范式和美好形象。孔子说:其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。”“不能正其身,如正人何?”(《论语·子路》)这里强调了以身作则,正己正人的“
一、核心素养目标  宏观辨识与微观探析:  1.通过实验探究,理解离子反应的含义以及离子反应发生的条件。  2.通过实例分析,理解离子方程式的意义,能准确书写简单的离子方程式。  3.从离子反应的角度出发,了解常见离子的检验方法。  证据推理与模型认知:  1.通过实验探究,学会观察、比较、归纳等信息加工的方法。  2.通过问题情境和反馈练习,形成问题意识,体验将离子反应的理论知识应用于实际的问题
教学目标:  1.直观感知四边形,能够从多种图形中区分和辨认四边形。知道四边形的特征。进一步认识长方形和正方形,知道它们的角都是直角。  2.通过分类、比量、画等活动,使学生经历四边形的空间观念,培养学生的观察比较、抽象概括能力。  3.通过找生活中的四边形,感受生活中四边形无处不在,进一步激发学生的学习兴趣。  教学重点、难点:  认识四边形的共同特点,分辨不同四边形的的不同之处。  教学过程:
一、教育现代化  教育现代化,是用现代教育先进思想和科学技术观念,去武装人们,培养出能参与现代国际经济竞争的,高素质人才。  (一)现代教育基本特征  现代化教育特征:教育全民化、教育终身化、教育与生产劳动相结合,教育必须去塑造人现代素质,从而加强法制化和科学化。  (二)实现教育现代化  实现教育现代化必须更新旧的教育思想,改革旧的教学内容、教学手段、课程方法、教学模式与评价体系,去适应现代化建
摘要:本文以图式理论为基础,采用文献法、教材分析法、课堂观察法等方法,探索在英美文化课堂中培养高中生文化意识的策略,最终提升学生文化意识。  关键词:图式理论; 英美文化; 文化意识  一、研究背景及意义  我国学者胡文仲先生(1982)指出:“不了解英美文化,要学好英语是不可能的。”教育部颁布的《普通高中英语课程标准》明确提出了培养学生文化意识的要求并明确指出,文化意识包括文化知识、文化理解、跨