Protective Properties of High Temperature Oxide Films on Ni-based Superalloys in 3.5% NaCl Solution

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liufuru
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The electrochemical behaviors of high temperature oxide film formed on the sputtered microcrystalline coating of M38 alloy (mc-M38) were investigated by potentiodynamic and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques in 3.5% NaCl solution.Mott-Schottky analysis was used to study the semi-conductive properties of the surface oxide.The results of the capacitance measurements showed that the oxide films on both the coating and the cast alloy were p-type semiconducting characteristics.Both the carrier density (N_a) and the flat band potential (E_(fb)) were obviously frequency-dependent,and the optimal frequency range was from 1000 to 1500 Hz.The oxidized coating exhibited higher protectivity than the oxidized cast alloy due to the lower carrier density compared with that of the oxidized cast alloy.The EIS data of the long-term immersing tests suggested that the oxide film served as an inner-barrier layer against chloride ions.The penetration of the aggressive ions into the surface oxide resulted in the decreased polarization resistance as a function of the immersion time. The electrochemical behaviors of high temperature oxide film formed on the sputtered microcrystalline coating of M38 alloy (mc-M38) were investigated by potentiodynamic and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques in 3.5% NaCl solution. Mott-Schottky analysis was used to study the semi -conductive properties of the surface oxide. The results of the capacitance measurement showed that the oxide films on both the coating and the casting alloy were p-type semiconducting characteristics. Both the carrier density (N_a) and the flat band potential (E_ (fb )) was obviously frequency-dependent, and the optimal frequency range was from 1000 to 1500 Hz. The oxidized coating showed higher protectivity than the oxidized cast alloy due to the lower carrier density compared with that of the oxidized cast alloy. The EIS data of the long-term immersing tests suggested that the oxide film served as an inner-barrier layer against chloride ions. The penetration of the aggressive ions into the surf ace oxide resulted in the decreased polarization resistance as a function of the immersion time.
江西赣县从2001年7月10日起在全县各乡镇实行了民政经费银行代发制度。银行代发经费包括抚恤事业费、离退休人员经费,遗属补助和精减 Jiangxi Gan County from July 10, 20
敕勒川,阴山下,  天似苍穹,笼罩四野,  天苍苍,野茫茫,  风吹草低见牛羊。  我来到广阔的草原上,被细微的声音吸引。  那是自草原底层所发出的,牧草舒络筋骨的声音;也是被风吹袭时,草尖与游云相互拥舞的声音。那是人声交错的世界里听不到的微语,人的眼眸与耳识总是停伫在尘世的荣华上,遗忘了草原上有更深奥的交谈。  我逐渐明了,其实人世的生灭故事早已蕴涵在大自然的荣枯里,默默地对人们展示这一切,预告