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两个民族之间发生斗争,而智力全在一方时,当然是有智力的民族征服愚昧的民族,消灭它或取而代之。如果斗争发生在势均力敌的两个民族之间,其结果可能握手言和。可是两个民族智力相等,忍耐能力和节俭本领大为悬殊时,则更能忍饥耐饿和更能勤俭节约的民族必然获胜。例如东方的工人能够做英国工人所做的同样的工作,生活费用却能够便 When there is a struggle between two peoples, and when all intelligence is in one party, it is of course that the intellectual nation conquers the foolish nation, destroys it or replaces it. If the struggle took place between the two peoples who were evenly matched, the result might be to shake hands and behave. However, when the two nations share equal intelligence, endurance and thrifty skills, the nation that is more capable of hunger and hunger and more diligent and thrifty will win. For example, workers in the east can do the same work that British workers do, but their living costs can be reduced.
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