买惠普 积够分 就有奖

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从4月份起,凡购买惠普打印硒鼓的用户都可能获得一份意外惊喜!惠普公司为答谢广大用户,特别推出了“买惠普,积够分,就有奖”的积分销售活动,时间为2000年4月1日至6月30日。在此期间,只要您从惠普指定的经销商处购买相关型号的惠普打印硒鼓,就可获得奖励积分,当积分达到60分及以上时即可兑换相应的超值奖品。无论您现在是否已购买惠普打印硒鼓,均可填写用户登记注册表格。将登记注册信息以电话、传真、E-mail、上网、邮寄等方式发给“惠普耗材积分俱乐部”后,您将得到一份包括俱乐部会员号码和会员密码的确认通知,该密码用于网上积分查询。注册完成后,只要您从惠普指定的经销商那里购买相关型号的惠普打印硒鼓产品,并填写用户积分登记表,连同购买发票复印件一起传真或邮寄至“惠普耗材积分俱乐部”,您的奖励积分就会根据您所购买的打印硒鼓的型号和数量累计起来,当累计到一定数量时,就可获得相应的超值奖品。积分达到60分,可获得精美时尚运动手表;积分达到150分,可获得文曲星PC-220电子记事本;积分达到600分,可获得惠普HP Deskjet 200Cci彩色喷墨打印机:积 From April onwards, users who purchase HP print cartridges may receive an unexpected surprise! Hewlett-Packard Co., Ltd., in recognition of the majority of users, has launched a point-to-point sales campaign of “buy HP, accumulate enough points, and have prizes” for 2000 hours. April 1st to June 30th. During this period, reward points will be awarded as long as you purchase the relevant model HP print cartridges from an HP-designated distributor. When the points reach 60 points or more, the corresponding premium prizes can be exchanged. Whether you have purchased HP print cartridges now or not, you can fill in the user registration form. After registering your registration information by phone, fax, E-mail, Internet, mail, etc., to the HP Supplies Credit Club, you will receive a confirmation notice including the club membership number and member password. This password is used for online credits. Inquire. After the registration is completed, as long as you purchase the relevant HP print cartridge from your designated HP dealer, fill in the user loyalty registration form and fax or mail it along with a copy of the purchase invoice to the HP Supplies Loyalty Club, your bonus points It will be accumulated according to the type and quantity of print cartridges you have purchased. When it is accumulated to a certain number, you will get corresponding premium prizes. Scores 60 points for beautiful fashion sports watches; scores up to 150 points, available Wenquxing PC-220 electronic notebook; points up to 600 points, get HP HP Deskjet 200Cci color inkjet printer: Product
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