甘肃省档案局 甘肃省档案馆——关于征集历史档案资料的通告

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甘肃是中华民族古老文明的发祥地之一,历史悠久.亘古几千年来,甘肃各族人民在创造光辉灿烂的历史过程中,形成了用各种文字书写、各种材料制作的形式多样、种类繁多、内容丰富的历史档案和资料.这些历史档案和资料,是甘肃历史文化遗产的重要部分.长期以来,历经战乱和自然灾害的洗劫,虽大量归于毁灭,但也有相当数量散失于社会和民间.新中国成立后,党和国家采取了很多措施进行收集,但仍有很多重要历史档案资料还未收集起来,其保管条件很差,随时都有遭到自然和人为损毁的危险.为抢救这些宝贵的文化遗产,把它集中到档案馆用科学的方法保管起来,使其能在社会主义两个文明建设中发挥应有作用,并传之子孙万代,根据《中华人民共和国档案法》和《中华人民共和国档案法实施办法》,特发此通告: Gansu is one of the birthplaces of the ancient civilization of the Chinese nation and has a long history.For thousands of years in ancient times, Gansu people of all ethnic groups in the process of creating a glorious history have formed various forms of writing in various languages ​​and various materials, A large number of rich and historical archives and information.These historical archives and materials are an important part of the historical and cultural heritage of Gansu Province.For a long time, the scourge of war and natural disasters, although largely attributed to the destruction, but also a considerable number of lost in the community and civil After the founding of New China, the party and the state took many measures to collect but there are still many important historical archives that have not yet been collected and are in poor storage conditions and are in danger of being damaged by natural or man-made damage at any time. Precious cultural heritage, focus it on archives in a scientific way to keep it up so that it can play its due role in the construction of two civilizations of socialism and pass on to all generations, according to the “Archives Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “ People’s Republic of China Archives Law Implementation Measures, ”idiopathic this circular:
一、高等学校现有档案馆的几种模式 (一)分室管理式分室管理式是近年来部分高校建立档案馆时,没有选择到一个合适的档案馆模式,而是简单地在原有文书档案室(以下简称文档室)