1975年12月至1976年12月,笔者采用升阳除湿防风汤加味治疗肠炎、菌痢等病共109例(其中急性肠炎43例,急性菌痢57例,慢性结肠炎9例),取得较满意的效果。现报道如下: 一、方药组成及用法防风15克,白术15克,苍术10克,茯苓20克,白芍15克。每天1剂,水煎分3次服。属热者,加黄芩、葛根;属寒者,加党参、干姜;有里急后重者,加木香、尖槟、秦皮;食滞者加神曲、藿香;有表证者,加芥穗。治疗期间,不加用其它药物。二、疗效标准因限于条件,未作细菌学检查及一些特殊检查,只根据临床症状判断疗效。1、治愈:临床症状完全消失,体温正常,随访一年无复发者。
From December 1975 to December 1976, the author used 109 cases of enteritis, dysentery and other diseases (including 43 cases of acute enteritis, 57 cases of acute bacillary dysentery, and 9 cases of chronic colitis). Satisfactory results. Are reported as follows: First, the composition and usage of prescription wind 15 grams, 15 grams of Atractylodes, herb 10 grams, Poria 20 grams, 15 grams of Angelica. One dose per day, decoction in three servings. Is a hot person, plus Astragalus, Pueraria; is a cold, plus Codonopsis, dry ginger; there are tenesmus, plus wood incense, Penang, Qinpi; food stagnation plus Divine Comedy, musk; have a witness, plus mustard. No other drugs were added during the treatment. Second, the efficacy of the standard is limited to conditions, no bacteriological examination and some special inspections, only based on clinical symptoms to determine efficacy. 1. Cure: The clinical symptoms completely disappeared, the body temperature was normal, and there was no recurrence in the follow-up period of one year.