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机关中积存的零散文件,应该怎样立卷呢?在通常的情况下,必须首先把不同全宗的文件分开(如果包括有几个不同全宗的文件的话)。在一个全宗的内部,再把不同年代、不同组织机构的文件分开。在一个组织机构之内,如果文件很多(或比较多)的话,可以按照大的问题分类;在每一类之内,再分别根据文件的作者、问题、名称、地区、年代、收发文机关六个方面的共同点(即六个立卷特征)立卷。这六个特征必须灵活使用,在一般的情况下,作者、问题、名称三个特征是最常用的。文书材料立卷的最主要原则,是保持文件之间的联系。所谓保持文件之间的联 How to organize the scattered files stored in the organization? In normal circumstances, you must first separate the files of the different fonds (if several Fonds are included). Within a Fonds, separate the documents of different age groups and different organizations. Within an organization, if there are many (or more) documents, they can be classified according to the major problems; within each category, the author and the organ of the receiving and dispatching authority, the author, the issue, the name, the region and the age, The common ground (that is, the characteristics of the six vertical volumes) Roll. These six features must be flexible to use, in the general case, the author, the problem, the name of the three features are the most commonly used. The most important principle of documentary materials is to maintain the links between the documents. The so-called link between the documents
A new equivalent center of mass model of FPBs(friction pendulum bearings) is introduced, and based on this model, coefficient j of the equivalent center of mass
1 临床资料  某男 ,4 3岁 ,干部 ,1 984年因肛周脓肿行切排术。1 6年中反复于截石位 7点距肛门 3cm处流分泌物疼痛 ,每次服消炎药后好转。   2 0 0 0年 1 0月作肛周彩超
1.用磷化铝防治 每200~300公斤粮食用一片磷化铝(3.3克/片)。打开药瓶后,迅速、准确地取出需要数量的药片,随即拧紧瓶盖封口。同时,迅速将取出的药片用小块布包好(每块布只包
(一)苦楝叶加野菊花。取苦楝叶洗净晒干,粉碎后按95%比例掺入5%的野菊花备用。按每500公斤粮食用药200克,分层撒在粮食堆中,最上表层适当多撒一些,即可保持粮食不受虫害。 (A