天津野生大豆 (Glycine Soja Sieb. and Zucc.)的观察

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通过观察结果,可明确以下几点: 1.种子繁衍、生命延续性强:野生大豆具有种子小、粒色深、结荚多、炸荚率和硬实率高等特点。这对种子本身的保存、繁衍和当代种子生命力的保持及其延续是极为有利的: 2.具有很强的野生适应性: (1) 与杂草的生存竞争方面:其表现一方面多分布在禾本科杂草丛中,并盘缠其上;另一方面多数种子在杂草萌发生长之前萌发出土; (2) 具有特殊的受光方式:苗期的单、复叶向光性极强。叶片能随光照方向、强弱而变换叶片的姿态:强光照时,叶片直立、夹并;弱光照时,叶片向光、展平; (3) 水、肥吸收方面:水肥的吸收靠发达的根系。一般具有5—7条等粗的粗根,向下伸展达60—140cm,横向伸展达45—90cm。 3.营养生长与生殖生长的交错期长:可长达90多天、约占全生育期的六分之四。 4.抗旱性的自身调节:以分枝的多少,营自身调节,分枝虽少,但仍生长正常。 Through the observation of the results, we can make clear the following points: 1. Seed propagation, life continuity and strong: Wild soybean has the characteristics of small seeds, deep color, pods, fried pod rate and high rate of hard real. It is very beneficial for the preservation and multiplication of the seed itself and the maintenance and continuation of the seed vitality of the seed: 2. It has strong wild adaptability: (1) In competition with the survival of weeds: its performance is distributed on the one hand Gramineous weeds, and wrapped around it; the other hand, the majority of seeds germinated before weeding germination unearthed; (2) has a special light-receiving mode: single seedling, complex leaf to light very strong. Leaves with the light direction, the strength of the leaves change the attitude: strong light, the leaves erect, clip and; weak light, the leaves to light, flat; (3) water, fertilizer absorption: water and fertilizer absorption by developed Root system. Generally with 5-7 thick crude roots, extending down to 60-140cm, horizontal stretch of 45-90cm. 3. Vegetative and reproductive growth staggered long: up to 90 days, accounting for about four-fourths of the whole growth period. 4. Self-regulation of drought resistance: the number of branches, the camp itself regulation, although fewer branches, but still normal growth.
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