要防癌 多吃水果和蔬菜

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据统计,癌症每年造成世界上600万人丧生,超过各种原因死亡总人数的10%。为了降服这一病魔,多年来,许多药物学家醉心于从大自然恩赐的绿色世界中寻找癌症的克星。美国生物学家伯多领导的实验室,15年来先后收集了地球上5万多种植物,试验中发现,或多或少有抗癌或抑癌效果的竟达两万多种,目前已制成的药物也为数不少。然而,尽管初步成果是令人振奋的,但疗效显著的却寥寥无几。现在看来,在众多的防癌抗癌药物中,蔬菜和水果防癌是较有希望的一类。近年世界各地进行的100多次调查表明,凡是进食蔬菜水果多的人们居住的地区,癌症的发病率 According to statistics, cancer causes the death of 6 million people each year in the world, which is more than 10% of the total number of deaths caused by various causes. To surrender this disease, for many years, many pharmacists have been obsessed with finding the nemesis of cancer from the green world of nature. The laboratories led by the American biologist Bernard have collected more than 50,000 kinds of plants on the earth over the past 15 years. During the experiment, they found that more than 20,000 kinds of anti-cancer or anti-cancer effects have been achieved. There are also a large number of drugs. However, although the preliminary results are encouraging, there are few significant effects. It now appears that in many anti-cancer anti-cancer drugs, the prevention of cancer by vegetables and fruits is a more promising category. More than 100 surveys conducted in various parts of the world in recent years have shown that the incidence of cancer is high in areas where people eat more fruits and vegetables.
一、原料 活鲫鱼1条约500克,猪肥膘50克,火腿50克,香菇25克,冬笋50克,口蘑25克,香菜30克,精盐15克,料酒25克,味精、白糖、香醋适量,葱、姜各25克,鸡清汤250克,熟猪油25克 二
我院近5年来采用经胃镜治疗上消化道息肉147例,效果满意,现报告如下。 1.临床资料 1.一般资料 147例中男71例,女76例,年龄20~70岁,平均39.65岁。食管9例,贲门12例,胃底1例,胃