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丛建子艺术简历 1956年生,山东省威海市人,毕业于山东师范大学美术系,中国美术家协会、山东省青年美术家协会理事、威海市青年美协主席。水墨作品《成长》获全国教师美展优秀奖,作品《话税收》、《路》获全国书画展优秀奖,作品《海带女》获韩国文化部优秀奖。2000年5月随文化部赴巴黎参加法国现代艺术大展,7月在首都师范大学美术馆举办个人画展,作品多次在国内外展览,部分作品被美、英、法、德、日、新、韩等国收藏。 Cong Jianzi art resume was born in 1956, Weihai City, Shandong Province, graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Shandong Normal University, the Chinese Artists Association, Shandong Province Association of young artists, Weihai Youth Association. Ink works “Growth” by the National Teacher’s Art Exhibition Excellence Award, works “words tax”, “Road” won the National Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition Excellence Award, the work “kelp female” won the Ministry of Culture of South Korea Excellence Award. May 2000 With the Ministry of Culture went to Paris to attend the French Modern Art Exhibition, held in July at the Capital Normal University Art Museum personal exhibition, works many times at home and abroad, some works by the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Japan and the new , South Korea and other countries collection.
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本刊讯  2 0 0 0年 2月 2 9日至 3月 1日 ,《中国海上船舶溢油应急计划》及《东海海区溢油应急计划》、《南海海区溢油应急计划》、《台湾海峡水域溢油应急计划》(下称《应
人们常说天堂好,好似天堂就是人类最理想的去处,依我看:不! 在我印象中天堂只是有些奇花异草、万籁寂静,还有些穿着长袍大袖,头上套着“光环”的中国神仙,还有长着翅膀的天
周金甫的石雕艺术 Zhou Jinfu stone art
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
1【风■l NO 4 2000年 63 x 71_ 布葺油■2【风■l№2 2000年63 x 71■布■油■3I凤棚№5 2咖年63—71■布■油■┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
第27届国际海岸工程大会 27~(th) International Conference on Coastal Engineering June 16~21, 2000/5/16 Sydney, Australia 本次会议讨论的主要议题包括近岸海洋学和气