Mechanical problems of superplastic fill-forming bulge solved by one-dimensional tensile and two-dim

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pppp7799
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Because of the strong structural sensitivity of superplasticity, the deformation rule must be affected by stress-state. It is necessary to prove whether one-dimensional tensile constitutive equation can be directly generalized to deal with the two-dimensional me-chanical problems or not. In this paper, theoretical results of fill-forming bulge have been derived from both one-dimensional tensile and two-dimensional bulging constitutive equation with variable m value. By comparing theoretical analysis and experimental results made on typical superplastic alloy Zn-wt22%A1, it is shown that one-dimensional tensile constitutive equation cannot be directly generalized to deal with two-dimensional mechanical questions. A method to correct deviation between theoretical and experimental results is also proposed. Because of the strong structural sensitivity of superplasticity, the deformation rule must be affected by stress-state. It is necessary to prove whether one-dimensional tensile constitutive equation can be directly generalized to deal with the two-dimensional me-chanical problems or not. In this paper, theoretical results of fill-forming bulge have been derived from both one-dimensional tensile and two-dimensional bulging constitutive equations with variable m value. By comparison theoretical analysis and experimental results made on typical superplastic alloy Zn-wt 22% A1, it is shown that one-dimensional tensile constitutive equation can not be directly generalized to deal with two-dimensional mechanical questions. A method to correct deviation between theoretical and experimental results is also proposed.
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