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什么是现场新闻?是指记者深入新闻事件发生的现场,以亲眼所见、亲耳所闻、亲身感受,形象、生动地再现新闻事实、场景与气氛。由于现场新闻现场感强,有生动的画面,读者犹如身临其境,因此它已成为读者喜闻乐见的报道形式。报纸上现场新闻这一报道形式的出现,得益于与电视的竞争。今天是电视发达的时代,电视把要报道的内容完全形象化地摆在人们面前。报纸如果不能在文字报道中多给受众一些更加形象化的东西,势必缺乏竞争力。因此,世界上不少国家的通讯社、报纸现在都很重视向读者提供具有现场感的新闻。现场新闻是“再现”的艺术现场新闻的鲜明特点,首先是记者亲临新闻事件发生的现场采访,亲身感受新闻事件发生的现场实情、气氛等,现场感强,令人如临其境,如闻其声,如见其人。同时时 What is news on the spot? It refers to the reporters’ in-depth news and events scene, witnessed by the eyes, personally heard, personally feel, vividly reproduce the news facts, scenes and atmosphere. Because the live news scene is strong and vivid pictures, readers like immersive, so it has become the reader loved by the form of coverage. Newspaper news on the scene appeared in this report, thanks to the competition with the television. Today is the era of television development, television content to be reported fully placed in front of people. If newspapers can not give the audience some more visual things in the story, it is bound to lack competitiveness. Therefore, news agencies and newspapers in many countries of the world now attach great importance to providing readers with a lively news story. The live news is a distinctive feature of the “live” art scene news. The first is an on-site interview with journalists in person at a news event to personally experience the actual situation and atmosphere of the news event. The scene is strong and immersive. If heard, such as see their people. At the same time
人白细胞抗原G(human leukocyte antigen G,HLA-G)位于HLA基因区6p21.3的主要组织相容性复合体(major histocompatib-ility complex,MHC)内的基因。研究证明HLA-G分子有对抗遗传
AIM: To identify the prognostic value of hepatitis B virus(HBV) and hepatitis C virus(HCV) infections in patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.METHODS:
目的:本试验的目的是初步评价注射用纳曲酮微球(Injectabledepot naltrexone)用于阿片类药物依赖(Opioid dependence)预防复吸方面的疗效和安全性,为该产品Ⅱ b期临床研究的实
目的:检测肿瘤相关基因上皮膜蛋白3(epithelial membrane protein-3,EMP3)的mRNA及其编码产物 EMP3在乳腺癌和癌旁乳腺组织中的表达,同时检测乳腺癌中雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素
本文从以下几部分阐述了儿童抗N--甲基D--门冬氨酸受体脑炎的临床和电生理研究。  第一部分 儿童抗N-甲基D-门冬氨酸受体脑炎的临床研究  研究目的:  研究儿童抗N-甲基-