
来源 :中国公共卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wzhi8
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目的了解中国居民卫生行为主要指标的地区差异,为合理分配资源与制定相关政策提供依据。方法以2008年全国卫生服务调查数据为基础,采用差异指数(ID)分析中国居民卫生行为4项主要指标的地区差异,并用地理分布图显示其分布。结果城市居民的吸烟率(22.5%)、经常饮酒率(6.8%)低于农村,戒烟率(10.0%)高于农村(7.1%),参加体育锻炼率(49.6%)明显高于农村(11.0%);城乡间参加体育锻炼率的差异指数(ID=0.36)最高,其他3项指标城乡间差异均较小(ID<0.1);西北地区居民吸烟率、经常饮酒率及参加体育锻炼率在6个行政区划中最低,而吸烟率、戒烟率及经常饮酒率的差异指数最高;全国94个调查点间的经常饮酒率(ID=0.27)与参加体育锻炼率(ID=0.47)差异较明显。结论中国居民卫生行为存在地区差异,城乡间差距较大,西北地区差异明显。 Objective To understand the regional differences in the main indicators of Chinese residents’ health behaviors and provide the basis for rational allocation of resources and formulation of relevant policies. Methods Based on the 2008 National Health Service Survey data, the regional differences in four main indicators of Chinese residents’ health behaviors were analyzed by using the Difference Index (ID), and the geographical distribution was also used to show the distribution. Results The smoking rate of urban residents was lower than that of rural areas (22.5%), the regular drinking rate (6.8%) was lower than that of rural areas, smoking cessation rate was higher than that of rural areas (7.1%), and physical exercise rate was 49.6% %). The difference index between urban and rural participation physical exercise rate was the highest (ID = 0.36), and the other three indicators were small (ID <0.1). The smoking prevalence, The lowest among 6 administrative divisions, while the highest difference between smoking rate, smoking cessation rate and regular drinking rate was found. The difference between the regular drinking rate (ID = 0.27) and physical training rate (ID = 0.47) among 94 survey sites in China was obvious . Conclusions There are regional differences in health behaviors among Chinese residents, with a large gap between urban and rural areas and obvious differences in Northwest China.
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