
来源 :感染.炎症.修复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lobohzs
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目的:研究表皮细胞生长因子(EGF)及其受体(EGFR)在胎儿和成人小肠组织中的表达特征以及可能的生物学意义。方法:21例被测标本中包括不同胎龄的胎儿小肠组织19例和成人小肠组织2例。用免疫组化方法和病理技术确定这两种蛋白在胎儿和成人小肠组织中的定位和表达量的变化规律。结果:EGF 及其受体在不同胎龄的胎儿和成人小肠组织中都有阳性表达。随着胎儿生长发育,小肠组织中 EGF 和 EGFR 的蛋白含量逐渐增加,这一变化趋势一直保持到成人皮肤组织中。其中 EGF 蛋白主要存在于小肠粘膜上皮细胞、粘膜下层的血管内皮细胞内和浆膜上皮细胞的胞浆和胞外基质中,EGFR 则分布于这些细胞的细胞膜上。结论:EGF及其受体在不同发育阶段的小肠组织中呈强阳性表达,表明这种细胞因子可能以自分泌或旁分泌方式调节肠道的生长发育、结构和功能的维持以及损伤后的修复。 Objective: To study the expression characteristics and possible biological significance of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and its receptor (EGFR) in fetal and adult intestinal tissues. Methods: Twenty-one of the 21 tested specimens included 19 cases of fetal small intestine at different gestational ages and 2 cases of adult small intestine tissues. Immunohistochemistry and pathological techniques were used to determine the localization and expression of these two proteins in fetal and adult intestinal tissues. Results: EGF and its receptor were positive in fetal and adult intestinal tissues of different gestational age. As the fetus grows, the protein content of EGF and EGFR in the small intestine gradually increases, and this trend has been maintained in the adult skin tissue. Among them, EGF is mainly found in the intestinal mucosal epithelial cells, subependymal vascular endothelial cells and the cytoplasm and extracellular matrix of serosal epithelial cells. EGFR is distributed on the cell membrane of these cells. CONCLUSION: EGF and its receptor strongly expressed in small intestine at different stages of development, indicating that this cytokine may regulate the growth and development of intestinal tract, the maintenance of structure and function and the repair after injury by autocrine or paracrine .
目的 研究输血传播肝炎病毒 (TTV)有否直接垂直传播途径及尿液传播的可能性 ,初步了解西安地区 TTV结构部分特点 .方法 参照文献 [1]在 TTV DNA ORF1区设计一套套式 PCR引
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