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走近陈惠彪的水墨画,展现在你眼前的,是一幅幅色泽凝重的山峦、粗砺斑驳的岩石、狷介不屈的残荷、游弋于云中的鱼、站立于山冈的森林……强烈的视觉冲击,使你仿佛徜徉在远古大地,凌风在宇宙云巅,深潜于海洋与各种鱼类畅游,耳畔回荡着各种生命的交响。这就是陈惠彪奉献给人们的水墨世界。出生于岭南的画家陈惠彪,所绘不喜阴柔温蕴之气,多为恢宏沧桑之笔。他以自己对水墨的独特理解,激情肆意地 Closer to Chen Huibiao’s ink painting, show in front of you is a dazzling range of mountains, rough mottled rocks, unbridled residue, cruising in the clouds of fish, standing in the hills of the forest ... ... strong visual Impact, so that you seem to wander in the ancient land, Ling-feng clouds in the universe, deep dive in the sea and a variety of fish tour, ears echoed the symphony of all kinds of life. This is Chen Hui Biao dedicated to people’s ink world. Born in Lingnan painter Chen Huibiao, deprecated Yin Rou Yun Yun gas, mostly for the great vicissitudes of the pen. He with his unique understanding of ink, passion wantonly
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