No Risk of Breakdown

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  Bearish sentiment concerning the Chinese economy has been said to constitute a driving force behind the recent slump in the world’s major stock markets. This is nothing less than scapegoating and hyperbolic scapegoating at that. Viewed from a detached perspective, the Chinese economy is healthy by any reasonable set of standard and certainly is not at risk of dragging down the global economy.
  The present economic scenario will see China comfortably reaching its growth target of 7 percent set at the beginning of this year. Despite a decline in the past two years, China’s economic growth remains head and shoulders above other major economies in the world.
  Many positive factors in the Chinese economy remain unchanged: the country’s long-term economic outlook continues unabated, a solid foundation exists to support sustainable economic growth, and efforts are being made to push forward economic restructuring. In addition, new growth points are emerging.
  Consumption, investment and export are collectively known as the “three engines” for China’s economic growth. As a result of the ongoing urbanization drive as well as projects such as the construction of underground utility tunnels in cities, the demand for investment is still strong. In addition, the new land and maritime Silk Road programs will boost input in basic infrastructure construction. Investment in hi-tech manufacturing sectors in China is also picking up.
  With regard to consumption, in the first half of 2015, China’s total retail sales of consumer goods experienced an accumulative growth of 10.4 percent over the same period last year. The tertiary industry has become the major contributor to economic growth. With a relatively stable growth in employment and household income, consumption is likely to maintain stable growth for the foreseeable future.
  What’s more, China’s international trade has begun to rebound. With related supportive policies having begun to take effect, exports are projected to grow at a steady pace.
  Of course, challenges still remain ahead. In the process of transforming China’s economic growth model, some enterprises have experienced difficulty in operating their businesses, struggling against the current decline. However, these problems will not have a lasting impact on the overall economy.
  Having entered a phase of slower but steadier growth, the Chinese economy will continue to play a positive role in promoting world economic development.
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随着我国改革开放力度的加大,经济产业政策的完善,我国的企业都到了迅速发展。加入WTO后,国外企业全面参与国内企业地竞争,面对竞争激烈的国内国际市场,占我国企业总数90%以上的企业如何在激烈的竞争中站稳脚跟并取得快速发展,成为当前迫切需要解决的问题。中外优秀企业的发展经验表明,创新才是提高我国中小企业竞争力之根本。探讨新经济的管理创新之路,是本文研究的重点。  第一,新经济时代地来临给中国企业以强烈