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自然界有相同的植物,却沒有兩片完全一樣的葉子。我的生活道路也與同時代的中青年作家一樣,有相似的經歷,又有不少獨特之處。我生長的故土——浙江玉環縣楚門鎮,是個青山綠水的魚米之鄉。故鄉豐饒的魚米哺育了我,秀麗的山水陶冶了我的心性。當我這個赤脚捉沙蟹、上樹摘桑椹的小丫頭才識字時,小鎮文化站的讀物和走村串鄉时戲班子給了我最初的藝術營養。在學校裹,因為作文比賽得第一,老師們發現了我的禀賦;而他們的諄諄教誨更激發了我對文學的興趣。我癡迷文學作品,甚至連路上的一片有字的小紙頭也不放過。一九五五年,我十三歲,上初中二年級時,在縣報的副刊上發表了第一篇千字文的 There are the same plants in nature, but not two identical leaves. My life is similar to that of contemporary young and middle-aged writers, with similar experiences and many unique features. My hometown of growth - Chumen Town, Yuhuan County, Zhejiang Province, is a fertile land of fish and rice. My hometown fertile fish nurtured me, beautiful landscape of my heart. When I was a barefoot catching sand crab, the little girl picking up the mulberry tree was literate, the town cultural station readings and walking village string rural play group gave me the first artistic nutrition. Wrapped up in the school, because the essay competition first, the teachers found my endowment; and their education more inspired my interest in literature. I was obsessed with literary works, and even a small piece of paper on the road did not let go. In 1955, when I was thirteen years old and I was in junior secondary school, I published my first essay in the supplement of the county newspaper
  In situ hybrid TiC particles and TiB whiskers reinforced Ti6Al4V ((TiCp+TiBw)/Ti64) composites with a novel network microstructure were successfully fabrica
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  The aim of this work was to investigate the preparation, the friction and wear properties of the electrolessly-deposited Ni-P-Gr-SiC composites.The effects
从天麻种子发芽的原球茎中,共分离到12种可供给天麻种子萌发营养的真菌,其中最优良的01号菌株,诱导培养出子实体,经鉴定为紫萁小菇(Mycena osmundicola Lange),属国内新纪录