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在中国20世纪的历史上,张学良可谓是最具传奇色彩的人物之一,他在世时,不断有传奇传出。他人走了,又丢下一串串谜团。生在马车上:飘泊百年张学良不是像今天的人们都出生在医院里,而是出生在疾驰于荒郊野外的马车之上,这是不是预示着他一生的颤沛流离?他自从1931年离开东北,一直再未回过东北;1933年离开南京,一路永别。此后,在幽居的岁月之中,更是永别一路,一直到1946年告别大陆,永别大陆。他于1993年离开台湾,也再未回过台湾,一直到终老夏威夷,可谓飘泊一生。两个“01”年:“生命的密码”他是世纪老人,地地道道的世纪老人。1901年 In the history of China in the 20th century, Zhang Xueliang is one of the most legendary figures. As he was living, he kept coming out with legend. When others are gone, they throw a string of mysteries. Born in a wagon: a hundred years wandering Zhang Hsueh-liang is not born in the hospital like today’s people, but was born in the wilderness gallantry above the car, which is not a prediction of his life’s trembling? He left in 1931 Northeast, has never been back to the northeast; left in 1933 in Nanjing, farewell forever. Since then, in the years of dwelling, it is all the way to farewell to the mainland until 1946, never farewell to the mainland. He left Taiwan in 1993 and never returned to Taiwan until the end of his lifetime in Hawaii. Two “01 ” years: “password for life ” He is a century-old, out-of-century elders. 1901 years
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纯钛及钛合金因其优异的耐蚀性、生物相容性用于生物材料。目前广泛应用于牙科的材料为Ti -6Al -4V合金。日本先进工业科技研究院研制出一种比Ti -6Al -4V合金具有更好的生物