
来源 :北京第二外国语学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhang5658
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本文通过问卷调查,并运用定性与定量相结合的研究方法,以威海地区的胶东方言为例,调查研究了方言的使用情况及态度。研究发现居民普通话掌握情况较好,九成受访者表示会使用普通话;不同人群方言使用情况差别较大,年龄、职业和学历都是影响方言使用的重要因素。居民对方言的理解和掌握程度在降低。胶东方言处在濒危或潜在的濒危状态。对于方言发展趋势的调查结果显示,居民对于方言目前的状态表示乐观态度。对于方言将来的发展趋势,大多数居民了解和思考较少,还没有保护方言的意识。文章还调研了居民对保护方言的政策的看法,并结合年龄段分析了各种观念产生的心理原因。文章最后对我们如何保护方言提出了几点建设性的建议。 This paper investigates the use and attitudes of dialects through questionnaires, using qualitative and quantitative methods and taking Jiaodong dialect in Weihai as an example. The study found that residents have better grasp of Putonghua and 90% of respondents said they would use Putonghua. The use of dialects varies greatly among different groups. Age, occupation and education are all important factors that affect the use of dialects. Residents’ understanding and mastery of dialects is decreasing. Jiaodong dialect in the endangered or potentially endangered state. The survey of trends in dialects shows that residents are optimistic about the current status of dialects. For the development trend of dialects in the future, most residents do not understand and think less, and they do not yet have the awareness of dialect protection. The article also investigates the residents’ views on the policy of protecting dialects and analyzes the psychological causes of various concepts based on their age. The article concludes with some constructive suggestions on how to protect our dialects.
为学和做人是一个道理;科学研究的指导思想是解放思想,实事求是;科学道德的精髓首先是尊重事实,二是尊重科学实践,三是尊重他人的科研成果。——吴征镒 It is a truth for
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