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周恩来是中国革命杰出的军事家,他戎马倥偬、运筹帷幄,对革命军队的建军思想、政治工作及军事指挥,都有不可磨灭的贡献.关于人民军队的建军思想周恩来认为:没有坚强的人民军队,便不能夺取革命政权.他自1927年11月主持中央军委以来,全面领导了各地革命武装的工作;1931年进人中央苏区直至全国解放这段相当长的时期,他直接领导人民军队的建设.(一)革命军队必须置于党的绝对领导之下.党的绝对领导是人民军队的优良传统,这一传统的形成和发展与周恩来的精心培育分不开.早在土地革命战争初期,他就强调必须加强各地游击队和红军中党的领导,积极推广红四军各级建立党组织的经验.抗战爆发后,八路军深入敌后开展游击战争,他给毛泽东拍电报,建议中央派得力干部去晋东南等地,加强军队中党的领导.1939年3月,他还亲自去皖南,在传达向敌后发展的战略方针时,强凋“巩固党在新四军的领导”. Zhou Enlai, an outstanding military strategist in the Chinese revolution, has all his efforts and tactics, and has made indelible contributions to the revolutionary army’s thinking on army building, political work and military command. Zhou Enlai’s Thought on Building the Army of the People’s Army: There is no firm Since the Central Military Commission was presided over by the Central Military Commission in November 1927, he led the revolutionary armed work in various areas in all aspects. During the rather long period of entering the Central Soviet Area until the liberation of the country in 1931, he directly led the People’s Army (1) The revolutionary army must be placed under the absolute leadership of the party, whose absolute leadership is the fine tradition of the people’s army, and the formation and development of this tradition can not but be separated from Zhou Enlai’s elaborate cultivation.As early as the Agrarian Revolutionary War In the early days, he emphasized the need to strengthen the leadership of the guerrillas in the region and the party in the Red Army and actively promote the experience of establishing the party organizations at all levels of the Red Army. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the Eighth Route Army conducted guerrilla warfare in depth. When he telegraphed Mao Zedong and suggested to the Central Committee Effective cadres went to southeast and other places in Shanxi Province and strengthened the leadership of the party in the armed forces. In March 1939, he personally went to southern Anhui to convey the strategy of developing behind enemy lines When the needle, strong withered “consolidate the party leadership in the New Fourth Army.”
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