Effect of the Shell Crosslinking Level and Core/Shell Ratio on the Morphology of Latex Particles in

来源 :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gx008
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Three-layer core/shell latex particles with various shell crosslinking level and shell thickness were prepared by multistep emulsion polymerization, and the hollow latex particles with different morphologies were then obtained after alkali post-treatment. Influences of divinyl benzene(DVB) content and the core/shell mass ratio on emulsion polymerization and particle morphology were investigated. Results showed that with the increase of DVB content, the percentage of total amount of ―COOH on the particle surface and free in aqueous phase(PSFa) decreased, and the morphology of the post-treated particles underwent evolution from cracked, intact hollow to deficient swelling structure. Decreasing the core/shell mass ratio could not only make more carboxyl groups encapsulated by the shell, but also increase the shell resistance to the swelling of the core. The uniform hollow latex particles with intact morphology were obtained when the DVB content was 3.54 wt% and the core/shell mass ratio was 1/6. Three-layer core / shell latex particles with various shell crosslinking level and shell thickness were prepared by multistep emulsion polymerization, and the hollow latex particles with different morphologies were obtained after alkali post-treatment. Influences of divinyl benzene (DVB) content and the Results showed that with the increase of DVB content, the percentage of total amount of -COOH on the particle surface and free in aqueous phase (PSFa) decreased, and the morphology of the post-treated particles underwent evolution from cracked, intact hollow to deficient swelling structure. Decreasing the core / shell mass ratio could not only make more carboxyl groups encapsulated by the shell, but also increase the shell resistance to the swelling of the core. uniform hollow latex particles with intact morphology were obtained when the DVB content was 3.54 wt% and the core / shell mass ratio was 1/6.
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