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米丘林关于外界环境条件影响生物遺傳性变异的原理,对安树(以安代桉,下同)的人工馴化(或气候馴化)和育种具有重要意义。安树又名有加利(Eucalyptus),約300—600种,除二种产摩尔和一或二种产印度半島外,全部产于澳洲及其附近島屿,且为該地最重要树种,組成大面积森林。1744年以来,安树在热带、亚热带以至溫带約34个国家栽培,均获成功。我国引种安树大概略迟于印度(1843年),引入种类据侯寬昭材料达42种;据阳含熙等材料,还有6种侯氏未采到。其中,我国引种栽培最广的有大叶安(E. robusta,約占90%以上)、兰安(E. Michurin on the external environmental conditions affect the genetic variation of the principle of the tree (Andean, the same below) artificial domestication (or climate domestication) and breeding is of great significance. Also known as the Eucalyptus, about 300-600 species, except for two kinds of production Moore and one or two kinds of production of the Indian Peninsula, all produced in Australia and its neighboring islands, and is the most important species in the area, composed of large Area of ​​the forest. Since 1744, An Shusheng has been successfully cultivated in about 34 countries in the tropics, subtropics and temperate zones. An introduction of our country probably about slightly later than the Indian tree (1843), the introduction of species according to Hou Kuanzhao material up to 42 species; according to Yang Han and other materials, there are 6 Hou did not take. Among them, the most widely introduced and cultivated in our country are E. robusta (accounting for more than 90%), Lan An (E.
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