Module 9Unit 3—4 单元练习

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  Unit 3
  1. In my opinion, your suggestion is of great importance it makes me aware of where my drawbacks are.
  A. in caseB. as though
  C. in thatD. so long as
  2. In the speech President Xi urged countries in the region to insist on dealing with conflicts through peaceful means and opposed the use of force or threats.
  A. arbitraryB. ambiguous
  C. ambitiousD. awkward
  3. the soldiers who served the people heart and soul in the earthquake, we decided to hold a celebration.
  A. In favor ofB. In terms of
  C. In salute toD. With regard to
  4. Richard had to be after 40 minutes on the field because his right leg got hurt.
  A. abolishedB. substituted
  C. occupiedD. quitted
  5. All the students must the new regulations. Whoever breaks them shall face punishment.
  A. refer toB. correspond to
  C. contribute toD. submit to
  6. This seasons sales figure the manager, he decided to hold an urgent meeting to discuss what to do.
  A. disappointingB. disappointed
  C. to disappointD. had disappointed
  7. Both sides should make a and find a solution to the problem instead of maximizing their own interests.
  A. competenceB. competition
  C. compositionD. compromise
  8. Unless our teachers object English evening, we will have one this Saturday evening.
  A. us to haveB. to us having
  C. our havingD. us having
  9. —What kind of are you looking for?
  —One which is wellpaid and challenging.
  A. ambitionB. occupation
  C. applicationD. qualification
  10. Many tall buildings have sprung up in our city in the past five years and house prices are often high there are famous schools.
  A. whetherB. though
  C. whereD. whatever
  1. All the documents must be s to the university you are applying for before May, 30.
  2. She is so diligent that I believe she will be to succeed in the near future.
  3. Mary is a enough to speak Chinese fluently in 9 months.
  4. They were delighted to meet again after such a long s.
  5. Be careful to avoid being s and onesided when you analyze the problems.
  6. The government was advised to (废除) income tax for the lowpaid.
  7. I love these colours because they abundance, strength and happiness.
  8. To protect the leaders, police officers were (驻扎) at all the entrances to the building.   9. Nowadays employers not only pay attention to graduates academic qualifications but also their (德行).
  10. As a matter of fact, lying, cheating or acting (不诚实) will do more damage to you than to others.
  be consistent with, be green with envy, date back to, split off from, get ones way, as if, at random, as white as a sheet, the moment, even though
  1. China has many famous historic sites, one of which, the 16 century, exhibits fine examples of the architecture of that time.
  2. To our joy, the results the findings of the previous study.
  3. She picked out two books from the shelf without looking at the titles.
  4. Henry is too naughty. If he cannot , he gets very angry.
  5. The advertiser his partner and set up a company of his own.
  6. She when I won the first prize in the English Reading Competition while she failed it.
  7. Kate looked after she rode the roller coaster.
  8. Some students turn a deaf ear to their teachers advice they know the advice is good.
  9. Helen remembers everything exactly it happened yesterday.
  10. The clever boy really caught my eyes the performance began.
  1. This led to war, and to America gaining its independence. (P35, L29) (画线部分为动名词复合结构)
  仿写:1) It is carelessness that led to (他被责备).
  2) Would you mind (我用你的英语词典吗)?
  3) (约翰被录取) by a key university makes us very happy.
  2. Therefore, the next time you choose your clothes, you should think more carefully about what colours to wear. (P47, L5455) (画线部分为名词短语用作连接词引导时间状语从句)
  仿写:1) (下次你有困难时) with your English study, please contact me.
  2) I always think of the happy days we spent together (每次我看到这些照片时).
  3) (我们第一次见面时), you were waiting for the train to Beijing.
  Unit 4
  1. These glasses are a little more than the previous ones. Please handle with care.
  A. tightB. delicate
  C. dynamicD. rough
  2. —Your headmaster is said to have visited an American school last week.
  —Yes. His visit is a great success and a strong friendship between the two schools that has lasted for 20 years.
  A. underlinesB. transforms
  C. declinesD. deserves
  3. Chinas tourism a rapid growth over the last 20 years. Believe it or not, China is now the third most visited country in the world.
  A. is seeingB. sees
  C. has seenD. saw   4. —Will Richard attend your birthday party this Saturday evening?
  —Its hard for me to give an exact answer. He is still about whether he will have time then.
  A. straightforwardB. sure
  C. curiousD. vague
  5. He is the headmaster of our school, and , he is responsible for the food safety in the canteen.
  A. as suchB. such as
  C. as ifD. however
  6. Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and to ruins, the city took on a new look.
  A. reducingB. reduced
  C. being reducedD. having reduced
  7. —What was the first impression you had when you first met him?
  —Well, he me as wise and hardworking.
  A. convincedB. struck
  C. attackedD. assumed
  8. After four hours drive, the tourists finally arrived in they thought was the place they had been looking forward to visiting.
  A. thatB. which
  C. whereD. what
  9. —Was it because of his carelessness he failed the experiment?
  —No. It is because of his wrong procedure.
  A. whenB. what
  C. howD. that
  10. His parents see him so rarely that theyre always ready to whenever he returns from college.
  A. see the handwriting on the wall
  B. kill the fatted calf
  C. reap what they sow
  D. be the apple of his eye
  1. She fell heavily, s her head against the side of the boat.
  2. —You only do some shopping on line once in a while, dont you?
  —No. Quite f, for I think goods are much cheaper than those in stores here.
  3. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat b. The plane is taking off.
  4. What really makes me angry is that my Christmas gift has been d to a wrong person.
  5. Many people gathered to p and make donations for the victims of last Sundays earthquake in Ludian Yunnan Province.
  6. Our Chinese teacher insisted that the key sentences in the poem should be (加下画线).
  7. The managers health was getting worse because of heavy (负担), so he had to rest at home.
  8. Jane told the policeman that she found her gold (项链) were gone while doing shopping in a supermarket.
  9. With the fast development of (农业), people in the countryside are now leading a happy life.
  10. You must dress (整洁) when you attend the party this evening.
  be shaped like, refer to, hire oneself out, catch on, deliver a speech, have a better understanding of, count on, feet of clay, by and by, among other things   1. Little Tom was very clever, but he spent little time on study and he fell behind.
  2. The project will provide a unique opportunity for you to live with an Australian family for three months in the hope that you will the country.
  3. It remains unclear at the moment how fast wearable technologies will and how people will use the devices.
  4. The whole team was me, but I let them down.
  5. The new president on TV to the nation on the New Years Day and it was inspiring.
  6. After graduation, he went out and to a boss, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs.
  7. , David was accused of giving away the companys secret.
  8. The island a southpointing triangle cut by two deep bays on its northern side.
  9. I believed him to be honest but his actions showed that he had .
  10. If you are not sure of the meaning of the new words, you can the dictionary.
  1. It has been repaired and has had extensions added many times, most often following times of war and disaster. (P63, L4850)(画线部分为独立主格结构)
  仿写:1) There are 50 foreign students studying in our school, (大部分来自欧洲).
  2) She was seated quietly at the desk, (眼睛注视) on the smartphone.
  2. This new pagoda, completed in 2010, represents the friendship between the two countries and reminds people that it was from India that Buddhism came to China two thousand years ago. (P63, L5255) (画线部分是强调句型)
  仿写:1) in the cinema he lost his wallet. (他是在电影院丢失钱包的。)
  2) in the school he graduated from the meeting was held.(会议是在他毕业的学校举行的。)
  Unit 3
  1—5 CACBD6—10 ADBBC
  1. submitted2. bound3. ambitious4. separation5. subjective
  6. abolish7. symbolize8. stationed9. virtues10. dishonestly
  1. dating back to2. are (were) consistent with3. at random4. get his way5. split off from
  6. was green with envy7. as white as a sheet8. even though9. as if10. the moment
  1. 1) his / him being blamed2) my / me using your English dictionary3) Johns being admitted
  2. 1) (The) next time you have difficulty2) every / each time I see these pictures
  3) The first time we met
  Unit 4
  1—5 BACDA6—10 CBDDB
  1. striking2. frequently3. belts4. delivered5. pray
  6. underlined7. burden8. necklaces9. agriculture10. neatly
  1. by and by2. have a better understanding of3. catch on4. counting on5. delivered a speech
  6. hired himself out7. Among other things8. is (was) shaped like9. feet of clay10. refer to
  1. 1) most coming from Europe2) her eyes fixed
  2. 1) It was; that2) It was; which / that; that
变式教学是指在教学过程中通过变更概念非本质的特征、改变问题的条件或结论、转换问题的形式或内容,有意识、有目的地引导学生从“变”的现象中发现“不变”的本质,从“不变”的本质中探究“变”的规律的一种教学方式.下面举例说明.(注:和差化积、积化和差公式请参阅教材)  人教A版选修22第96页例1:在△ABC中,三个内角A,B,C对应的边分别为a,b,c,且A,B,C成等差数列,a,b,c成等比数列,求证
“笙歌不知归何处,今朝园圃花又开。”在扑朔迷离的面纱揭开后,2013年高考语文卷如期面世,文学类文本阅读试题也以丰富多彩的面貌呈现于我们眼前。  命题审视  一、选材、设题凸显语文性,蕴涵语文味  语文是语言文字,有着重要的工具性;语文更是语言文学,有着非常强的审美性。因此,语文试卷应“回归语文”“体现本色”,突出语文学科特点,力避“泛语文化”倾向,应保持并不断强化自身的审美性、人文性。2013年
“化学能与电能”是高中化学教学中极为重要的内容,从备考角度来说其教学重点在于原电池的原理、构成条件以及电极反应方程式的书写等。许多教师在教学中只关注上述知识点的传授而将与原电池相关的几组概念混为一谈,甚至在省、市级的公开课中也常常出现类似的混淆。本文就有关这方面的问题进行探讨。  一、原电池、化学电池、电池到底是何关系?  在人教版老教材与新教材中均多次出现了原电池、化学电池、电池这三组概念,但只
几年来,高考对图像与表格问题的考查力度越来越大,考查的内容主要包括两方面:元素化合物的性质和化学概念、原理和理论。本文以高考中主要的热点考点为例进行剖析,愿找到解题的方法与技巧。  一、铝、镁及沉淀图象  图1例1将一定质量的Mg和Al的混合物投入250 mL、2.0 mol/L稀硫酸中,固体全部溶解并产生气体,待反应完全后,向所得溶液中加入NaOH溶液,生成沉淀的物质的量与加入NaOH溶液的体积
阅读小说,基本要求是能够分析小说中的人物形象,把握小说的故事情节,察觉环境描写的意图,体悟出作者的情感倾向。更高要求是对作者在小说中体现的思想感情或者小说中的人物的思想感情进行分析,做出价值判断、审美判断;对小说的表达技巧、语言风格等进行审美分析等。应对高考,同学们做到这些还不够,还要了解高考命题要求和相关答题技巧。  一、明类型  高考小说阅读题主要有四种类型:简答题、分析题、鉴赏题、探究题。 
关注社会,贴近生活,联系实际,灵活运用题给信息和化学知识解决生活、生产中的新问题、实际问题一直是新课程改革的出发点和着力点,也是新课标中考命题的必然趋势。在近年来的中考中,化学工艺流程问题因为贴近生活实际,能激发学生的兴趣而异军突起,已逐渐成为中考化学的热点,备受命题者的青睐。下面以2013年全国各地的中考化学试题为例,略谈一下工艺流程题的考查视角。  一、考查生产烧碱的工艺流程  解析本题主要考